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Date 07-01-91 00:05:00
From Terry Blount
To Daniel Osborn
Subject Jehovah's Witnesses
DO> > DO> but I do agree with things that I have read in the
DO> Watchtower > DO> explaining 2 Thes. 2:3+4. "3 Let no one seduce
DO> you in any > DO> manner,
DO> > But then they go on to teach you something... Isn't this
DO> like > saying "Let me give you some advice... never take advice
DO> from > anyone. ?"
DO> > Seems this would establish a climate of fear, making it
DO> difficult > to continue teaching.
DO> That is because you are ignoring the proper use of the English
DO> language. You are equating the respect given to a wise
DO> instructor with infalability. It seems plain to me that there is
DO> a difference, but maybe I am the one who is confused.
DO> If so, than every person that belongs to any organization is
DO> guilty too.
There is one difference between what Rev. Moon does that I have never
seen or heard of any other religions doing. And you just pointed it
out. While most faith's try to protect their sheep from other doctrines,
Rev. Moon hires the best teachers from all denominations of Christianity
as well as professors of non-christian religions to teach at the
seminary he founded. If you go there you won't hear much of the
doctrine of the Divine Principle, rather you will find Moon's followers
being exposed to every other religious doctrine that the world has to
offer. Once people are exposed to a higher truth and greater love, ...
well you know what happens, you were converted to your faith, I don't
need to tell you.
Date 07-01-91 00:15:00
From Terry Blount
To All Users
I read something interesting that I wanted to pass along:
Groups Plan TV Blackout Day To Protest Sex and Violence.
A group of organizations concerned about growing sex and violence on TV
has called for a national "Turn Off the TV Day" for Oct 29. Morality in
Media, the american Family Association, Americans for Responsible
Television, the National Coalition Against Television Violence and the
National Christian Association have all endorsed the blackout. The TV
campaign is led by Vicki Riley of Wilmington, DEl., who launched a
statewide blackout in Delaware last year, and is planned for Pornography
Awareness Week.
Date 07-01-91 07:38:00
From Terry Blount
To Phil Morrison
Subject Fall of man
PM> He did FOR me, what I could NEVER have done for myself.
PM> In the process He took my supposed self-righteousness
PM> and laid it in the dust.
If Jesus could have lived to raise a family, folks today would not be
born into sin, and therefore wouldn't need someone to make a condition
to cleanse them of their 'self-righteousness and lay it in the dust.'
Date 07-01-91 16:24:00
From Terry Blount
To Thomas Bentley
Subject BIBLE "NWT" (Cont.n
TB> TB> out while you were cooking a hamburger ? You simply
TB> can't drain
TB> TB> all
TB> TB> the blood from meat. You're must become a vegetarian if
TB> you are to TB> avoid breaking your interpretation of the
TB> scripture. Animal flesh may be eaten, but not the blood. IN Gen.
TB> 9:3,4:" Every moving animal that is alive may serve as food for
TB> you. As in the case of green vegetatiI do give it all to you.
TB> Only flesh with its soul-its blood-you must not eat."
Next time you buy some hamburger, take a handful and squeeze it. You
cannot eat animal flesh without eating some blood.
Date 07-01-91 16:29:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Fall of Man
MS> MS> TB> that mean ? Are some sins more forgivable than others
MS> ? MS> No. The only sin that can't be forgiven is blaspheming
MS> the Holy MS> Spirit.
MS> TB> Now you finally make an exception. I thought you were not
MS> as rigid TB> about this as you first indicated. So all sins
MS> are not the same from TB> God's eyes ? Right ? At least one
MS> is a little more serrious, do you
MS> TB> want to see if we can find another one ?
MS> No, I didn't make the exception - the Bible does. "Truly I say
MS> to you, all sins shall be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever
MS> blashemies they utter; but whoever blasphemes agaisnt the Holy
MS> Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of eternal
MS> sin" (Mark 3:28,29 NASB). If you want to try to find more, go
MS> ahead and search: there aren't any others to be found.
Well here is a sin that has its own catagory, and it is not blasphemy of
the Holy Spirit:
1CO 6:18 Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the
body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.
Now we have 3 classifications of sins and we started with one. How many
more do we need before we recognize that all sins are not the same ?
Date 07-01-91 16:33:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Fall of Man
MS> TB> I thought Christ was the temple ?
MS> No, the Church (the believers, the Body of Christ) is the Temple
MS> and the dwelling place of Christ.
Jesus compared the temple in Jerusalem to his body (Jn 2:21), and Paul
state that Christians are the temple of God (1 Cor 3:16). The temple is
the image-representation of Jesus. However, during their course through
the wilderness, the Israelites could not build a temple, and so they
built the tabernacle instead. Thus, the tabernacle, which was a
miniature type of the temple, was also a symbolic representation of
Jesus. For this reason, when God ordered Moses to build the tabernacle,
he said, "'...let them make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell in their
midst'" (Ex 25:8). Accordingly, the tabernacle is the symbolic messiah
which the Israelites where to attend during their course in the
The tabernacle was composed of the Most Holy Place[2] and the Holy Place
(Ex 26:33,34). Only the chief priests could visit the Most Holy Place,
and that but once a year, for the offering of sacrifices. Within the
Most Holy Place was the ark of the covenant, within which were the two
tablets of stone, symbolizing Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and heaven and
earth. We can consider the ark, then, in a narrow sense, a microcosm of
the cosmos, and also, a microcosm of the tabernacle. The Most Holy
Place symbolizes Jesus' spirit self and the invisible substantial world,
and the Holy Place, which was the ordinary place for the offering of
sacrifices, symbolizes Jesus' body and the visible substantial world.
In the second temptation, Satan set Jesus on the pinnacle of the temple
and said, "...'If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down...'" (Mt
4:6). Jesus referred to himself as a temple (Jn 2:19- 21) and believers
are also called temples of God (1 Cor 3:16). 1 Corinthians 12:27 tells
us that believers are members of the body of Christ. Therefore, we can
understand that Jesus is the main temple and the believers are the
branch temples, Satan's setting Jesus on the pinnacle of the temple
means that, as a result of Jesus' triumph over the first temptation,
Satan had to recognize Jesus' authority as the master of the temple.
Satan's urging Jesus to throw himself down from the top of the temple
was not to test Jesus' ability to perform miracles, but was to tempt him
to give up his position as master of the temple, to throw himself down
and be as a fallen man, thus putting an end to his restoring people as
branch temples. Just as Satan dominated the world as its false master
after causing Adam's fall (2 Cor 4:4; Jn 12:31), Satan would have become
the master of the temple in place of Jesus, if Jesus (the Second Adam)
had succumbed to this temptation.
Date 07-01-91 16:40:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Fall of Man
TB> I am baffled that the idea could have ever gotten started thatJesus
TB> crucifixion was a victory. Everyone knows that Christ is the
TB> mediator for the flow of God's true love to mankind. How could it
TB> make sense toshut off the faucet ?
Because He didn't stay dead!
This makes no sense whatsoever. You are saying it is ok to kill the
mediator because he will come back to life. And that will mean that God
can forgive me of my sins. If killing Jesus was beneficial to anyone's
salvation, then Satan would have in no way participated.
Date 07-01-91 16:44:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Fall of Man
MS> And through Him, and His blood sacrifice, we are forgiven our
MS> sins, and
Had Jesus been accepted and completed his mission the first time, there
would be no sins to be in need of forgiveness for. Sounds like you are
kinda hinting that killing Jesus was convenient because we can continue
to sin and have a good time but we will be forgiven. What is wrong with
helping Jesus fulfill the three blessings that God originally gave to
Adam. Since Adam could not fulfill them centered on God, the messiah
will have to come to do fulfill them. This means the Messiah must
multiply and I'm sure God wasn't telling Adam to multiply by converting
the angles to become his spiritual children. God was telling Adam to
mature and have children. Since Adam did not do this according to God's
will, the messiah must come and do what Adam did not do. ...bring
sinless children into the world !!!!! Can you see the light ?
Date 07-01-91 16:54:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Mary Sinless?
MS> TB> You are correct in saying that it is Satan's goal to
MS> separate man from TB> God, but to think Satan would confess to
MS> ANY sin to do that is difficult
MS> TB> to believe. In fact I don't think you will find any
MS> reference to Satan
MS> TB> repenting for anything during the 6,000 or so years of
MS> human history. TB> Who do you think taught us to hide our sin ?
MS> Who said confessing is the same thing as repenting? They are
MS> quite different.
MS> Confessing is acknowledging guilt. Repentence is confession,
MS> plus a change of heart and habit.
You sure danced arround this issue. By your definition, there is not
much repentance because people have not overcomed many bad habbits.
Date 07-01-91 16:58:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Mary Sinless?
MS> As long as you call it a symbolic fruit, you are calling
MS> Scripture a lie.
So when God created the world he did it in 7 literal days ?
Date 07-01-91 16:59:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Mary Sinless?
MS> I think you are finally starting to understand. Yes, they
MS> wanted to defy God.
You have a very shallow understanding of the motivation and process of
the fall. No one wanted to defy God.
Date 07-01-91 17:00:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Mary Sinless?
MS> Regardless of the thought process that went on in their heads,
MS> the final outcome was that although God had told them not to
MS> even touch it, they touched
MS> it, and plucked it, and ate it, defying God's command and
MS> rebelling against Him.
So the motivation behind their disobedience is not to be considered ?
Gee, I'm starting to sound like that guy I locked out. You need to get
in touch with him since both of you are off the deep end in opposite
Date 07-01-91 17:04:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Mary Sinless?
MS> And the only way I can possibly see misuse in the passage is
MS> that they "misusedtheir hands and mouths by eating a real,
MS> phyisical fruit...
So Why Did They Hide Their Nakedness, Instead Of Their Hands And Mouth?
Date 07-01-91 17:05:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Mary Sinless?
MS> it really means is this..." You teach solid Scripture, and I'll
MS> listen with open ears.
Your original mind knows so I'll have to leave you to deal with yourself
for a while. You have heard the truth about the fall of man and you can
struggle to deny it but your original mind won't let you. I know I
tried to deny it myself when I first heard the truth about the fall of
Date 07-01-91 17:10:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Mary Sinless?
MS> First off, you assume every action requires creativity. I would
MS> say that God, man, and the angels (both of the heavenly host and
MS> those that rebelled)
MS> are all able to be creative. Satan was fairly creative in the
Sounds like you want to lay the blame on Satan ? Where did I hear this
before ? Oh yes ! Here it is:
GEN 3:13 And the LORD God said unto the woman, What [is] this [that]
thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did
You better learn to quit trying to pass the buck. It didn't work the
first time a human tried it and it still won't work now.
Date 07-01-91 17:13:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Mary Sinless?
MS> As to sin, it is not a creation, but the result God granting us
MS> Free Will, and an action of that Free Will. If God had not
Free Will did NOT cause the fall. You are not free to sin. You will pay
for your sins.
Date 07-01-91 17:18:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
MS> TB> God isn't going to dig up a literal tree and take it into
MS> outer space. TB> You are getting desperate.
MS> Do you know that for a fact? No, you don't. As to where He
MS> took it, since in Revelation it is mentioned in chapter 22,
MS> I would imagine that it is on the new Earth that God or may not
Well, whatever you imagine, you are definitely guilty of the charges you
have been making against me for teaching something that is not written
verbatim from the scripture. Where ever did you get an idea that God
dug up the tree of life and transplanted it some where else ?
Anyone with such an active imagination should not have any problem
understanding why Adam and Eve hid their nakedness after they sinned.
Date 07-02-91 07:38:00
From Terry Blount
To Ralph Stokes
Subject Saved by the Bible, part
RS> > RS> Now, the year was 1862. WHICH Bible do you think the
RS> little boy > RS> loved so much?
RS> > Could it be the Holy Bible ?
RS> Most definitely was, but which Bible is that?
There is only one Holy Bible that I'm aware of.
Date 07-02-91 08:08:00
From Terry Blount
To Vivarto Veet
Subject Fall of man
VV> TB> If Jesus could have lived to raise a family, folks today
VV> would not be
VV> TB> born into sin, and therefore wouldn't need someone to make
VV> a condition TB> to cleanse them of their 'self-righteousness
VV> and lay it in the dust.' Jesus did not want to live to raise a
VV> family! He wanted to be murdered! He knew very well that he
VV> will be crucified, and yet he went to Jerusalem, he went there
VV> exactly for that purpose. It was his plane. He could never
VV> fulfill the old proficies without crucifiction,
A prophecy is based on the same concept as the 'If' 'Else' statement
in programming. For example: 'If' you eat the forbidden fruit, you
will die... 'Else' you will live.
GEN 18:26 And the LORD said, 'If' I find in Sodom fifty righteous within
the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes.
...'Else' I will destroy Sodom
JON 3:4 And Jonah began to enter into the city a day's journey, and
he cried, and said, Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown.
So the people had the choice: 'If' they repented they would be spared..
'Else' they would be overthrown.
GEN 4:7 If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou
doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee [shall be] his
desire, and thou shalt rule over him.
VV> neither would he ever be resurrected without it.
VV> It is not correct to look at his crucifiction as a disaster. On
VV> the contrary this was part of God's plane for this Earth. It was
VV> predetermined and FAMILY was never part of the plane!
Look at this message someone with the initials VV wrote on 6/18/91
VV> This Is why God made things like flood, he has however saved
VV> one short module around which he hoped to build up the new
VV> improve version (noah). Well it did not work. then later again
VV> he tried to fix his creation by sending a sofisticated
VV> anti-computervirus program called "Jesus" the idea was that all
VV> the viruses will attach themselves to the Jesus, and this way
VV> free the rest of the program
VV> from virus. Of course the idea was silly, Jesus got killed but
VV> it did not free humanity from violence, and other bugs.
You should think more deeply about the messages you write. Something
inside you knows this nonsense about MURDERING the mediator for God's
true love was not any plan of God. Rather it was a secondary course that
Jesus had to go as a result of the faithlessness of the people who were
prepared to believe in him.
Date 07-02-91 14:25:00
From Terry Blount
To Carla Rygula
Subject messages
CR> I don't find it strange at all. Because Satan wants to help
CR> further the lie that the dead are NOT unconscious, when the
CR> Bible tells us they ARE unconscious.Who would I believe? The
CR> Bible of course
CR> Yes I do just `fluff' this off. And so should all others who
CR> believes God's words over Satans actions.
So Satan is going around ( dressed in a demonic spirit of light )
testifying that Jesus Christ is the messiah just to 'trick' people into
thinking that will go into a conscious spiritual world after the die.
Why does this make me laugh ?
If we did have a consciousness in the spirit world and we believed in
Jesus ( at the recommendation of a demonic spirit ) we wouldn't belong
to Satan anyway.
Date 07-02-91 16:35:00
From Terry Blount
To Paul Lenzmeier @ 960/1
Subject Jahovah's Witnesses
PL> The examples you sited were obviously demeaning and racial to
PL> other ethnic groups, and held no truth or authenticity. What I
PL> am doing is simply calling a cult "a cult". I call it direct
PL> honesty. It is amainingly straight foreward and easy to
PL> understand, no second guessing or reading between the lines.
PL> When you have spent a decade studying destructive cults, you
PL> learn to call them what they are. I don't play word games.
This sounds exactly like something taken from a KKK manual. You just
did a search and replace on 'Nigger' and put in 'Cult'. That's the
problem with dopy fundamentalist, they aren't prejudice, they just call
a spade a space.... nothing wrong with that.
PL> Thank you for sharing with me, how I come across to you. I
PL> assure you, I do not feel superior to any other person. I wiew
PL> other christians as more important than myself.
But you clearly exempt 'destructive cults' from your classification of
'other christians' or you would not use such a term.
Date 07-02-91 16:43:00
From Terry Blount
To Paul Lenzmeier @ 960/1
Subject Jehovah's Witnesses
DO> but I do agree with things that I have read in the Watchtower
DO> explaining 2 Thes. 2:3+4. "3 Let no one seduce you in any
DO> manner,
PL> Terry, you told me you don't read the Watchtower! (double grin)
My initials aren't DO ! Can't you figure out who is writing and who
is being quoting in a message ? Daniel Osborn wrote that part and I
quoted him :
Look at the message again.
Date 06-29-91 15:01:00
From Sysop
To Daniel Osborn
Subject Jehovah's Witnesses
DO> but I do agree with things that I have read in the Watchtower
DO> explaining 2 Thes. 2:3+4. "3 Let no one seduce you in any
DO> manner,
But then they go on to teach you something... Isn't this like saying
"Let me give you some advice... never take advice from anyone. ?"
Seems this would establish a climate of fear, making it difficult to
continue teaching.
See the part I wrote has no initials in front of the text lines.
Date 07-02-91 16:51:00
From Terry Blount
To Gary Johnson
GJ> -> Praying for protection from "spirits of dead ancestors"
GJ> sounds -> quite bizarre, and I suspect that either you or Dr.
GJ> Anderson are mistaken.
GJ> Hi Mark and thanks for the response. Well that is why I asked
GJ> the question. Because I much prefer fact to fiction and thought
GJ> it would be better to ask someone affiliated with the L.D.S.
GJ> church then to take the word of someone not. Not to discredit
GJ> Dr. Andersons book as a whole,
Humm, I'm coming in late and probably talking to the wrong person but
what do you think of this: ?
HEB 11:39 And these all, having obtained a good report through faith,
received not the promise:
HEB 11:40 God having provided some better thing for us, that they
without us should not be made perfect.
Isn't 'these all' talking about saints of the old testament age, or as
someone said 'spirits of dead ancestors' ? Seems that if they,
apart from us cannot be made perfect, we are all somewhat in this
together. I would think that praying for them wouldn't hurt anything,
but I would not make it the central focus of my faith.
Date 07-02-91 22:24:00
From Terry Blount
To Pedro Vega
Subject Detailed Analysis (2 (2
PV> The term is "ex-cathedra."
Thanks for helping me out here. I had no idea how to find this term in
any of the books I have available and I had forgotten it.
PV> TB> over a half dozen times.
PV> Twice, since the definition in 1870.
Well, my guess was pretty close.
PV> TB> I personally think this is a good idea to have this clause
PV> in their TB> doctrine.
PV> TB> In the event a pope does get a revelation
PV> Popes don't receive revelations. If they do receive one,
PV> they can't bind the Church with it.
Yes, but don't you think that if God in some type of revelation/meeting
did really shake up the pope he would spread "ex-cathedra' to let
everyone know it was serious ? I hope he would.
PV> ended with the death of the last Apostle. The purpose of the
PV> infallibility charism is to teach authentically from
PV> what already has been revealed.
Yes, but we know that all has not yet been revealed. The time will come
when we shall be told plainly of the father... Jesus spoke to Saint
Paul and all of christendom has accepted Paul's inspired words as if
they were spoken by Jesus himself.
PV> TB> millions of followers. I don't know if you are aware,
PV> but Mormons TB> have a similar idea about their prophet and so
PV> do Moslems. I also TB> think
PV> The similarity with the Mormon stance is only incidental.
Well, someday in the final showdown between the godly and the godless,
we all will see that we have much more in common that we want to be
known for at the present.
PV> The one with the Muslims is true with the Shiites. Sunnis would
PV> reject that. TB> JW got pinned down they would admit the same
PV> thing about the TB> infallibility of their founder's
PV> message/revelation. I know I would TB> about mine <grin> !
PV> The problem with the WT is that since is claimed that God
PV> is its Editor, it's infallible in each and every issue.
That's interesting since God is editing my messages and yours too. I do
see what you mean. I have noted in several messages the Witness referred
to the WT as if they did not realize someone at the home office had
written and published it. I wonder how this staff was able to 'duke'
them into thinking God was doing the editing. I have even asked how I
could submit an article for publication in the WT, but all was quite out
there... or they didn't know.
PV> And as for your position, well, I'm not done with you yet
.....and neither is God.
Date 07-02-91 22:40:00
From Terry Blount
To Les Wilcox
LW> I've always found that the tree of life is merely a
LW> representation of Jesus.
I agree %100. Jesus was a perfected man and the tree of life first
symbolized Adam as he was growing to perfection. When he fell, the
flaming sword was placed in front because Adam could no longer attain
perfection, with Adam all men sin, so no other men could attain
perfection either ...until God could send his second Son, the last Adam,
Jesus Christ.
However, the main point here is that we have two trees side by side, one
of them represents perfected man so it is most likely that the one
beside represented woman. I can't imagine a literal tree growing
beside a symbolic one. Now since they both were symbolic, the fruit
cannot be literal. Literal fruit does not grow on symbolic trees. The
fruit that Adam ate that then resulted in their shame of their
nakedness. Was not something eatable. It was a fruit that was more
desirable than life because they knew that if they touched it the would
die. Only love can be more powerful than the desire for life. This sin
obviously involves some kind of love that make them ashamed of their
nudity that they were previously unashamed of. Every person that does
not give in to their sexual impulses, struggles to keep a purified mind
and heart. Why ? Why must we struggle to keep our relationships with
the opposite sex pure ?
LW> >Anyone with such an active imagination should not have any
LW> problem >understanding why Adam and Eve hid their nakedness
LW> after they >sinned
LW> The reason is rather obvious. Before the fall they were clothed
LW> with the glory of God, when they sinned against Him this glory
LW> left them and they saw that they were naked.
God's glory wasn't all they lost, they lost their purity. They inherited
shame and guilt because up until then they had not acted selfishly. The
results of the fall of man is misdirected love. Rather than loving God
and living for the public purpose, we violate the universal law of self-
less giving and live for the smaller purpose. If the parts of our
bodies behaved in such a way, we couldn't remain alive very long.
Date 07-03-91 09:43:00
From Terry Blount
To Justin Bramblet
Subject ?
JB> Hmmm... the very thought of a room with both Steve and Carla in
JB> it simultaneouis quite interesting. Wonder how long they'd last.
Well If I had may choice I would much rather be confined with Carla than
with Steve. She does show signs of rational thinking.
JB> :-> TB> Too bad they didn't get married to each other ! < bigger
JB> grin >
JB> Haha... why do you say that? So that only two people would be
JB> miserable instead of four? :-> (That one's not original with
JB> me.)
No, I said that because my minister if famous for matching people that
help each other to grow. Such a pair should grow really fast because
they both could always see what the other one needed to change. < grin >
Date 07-03-91 09:52:00
From Terry Blount
To Daniel Osborn
Subject Bible "nwt" (cont.n
DO> > TB> you. As in the case of green vegetatiI do give it all to
DO> you. > TB> Only flesh with its soul-its blood-you must not
DO> eat." > Next time you buy some hamburger, take a handful and
DO> squeeze it. > You cannot eat animal flesh without eating some blood.
DO> Still know better than Jehovah, eh?
Where does Jehovah say that all blood can be extracted from any kind of
flesh. The point is that a little blood is ok, so exactly how much is a
little bit. If you are allowed to eat the little bit that is remaining
in your steak then maybe 1 or ever 2 pints of blood is ok also.
Let's see, 2 pints to the quart and the average human body has about 6
quarts of blood... 6 * 2 = 12 so 1 pint would be 1/12 ....that's only
about 8.5% of the total body volume. So if someone gets a pint of
blood after an operation, they are safely taking less than %10 of their
total average quantity. I am sure meat has at least 1 lb. of blood out
of the 10 lbs that are piled on the scale. You are already eating
several pints of blood per year. Why would your spirit be damaged from
eating your portion of blood all at once after surgery or an automobile
accident, when you really needed it ?
Date 07-03-91 10:14:00
From Terry Blount
To David Stoddard
DS> Many will believe that One God exists but will never come into
DS> an honest relationship with Him. They are the lost; such as
DS> yourself.
You must be really gifted to judge who is lost and who is saved when
God himself doesn't even do it.
JOH 5:22 For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all
judgment unto the Son:
Date 07-03-91 10:18:00
From Terry Blount
To Daniel Osborn
Subject Confusion
DO> Paul, the most prolific Bible writer never once spoke of the
DO> trinity, as you claim. At least I think that is what you are
DO> claiming from your message.
You are correct.
The word 'Trinity' is not to found in the Bible and was not used by any
Christian until Thophilus of Antioch (180 A.D. )
Date 07-03-91 10:35:00
From Terry Blount
To Daniel Osborn
Subject Detailed Analysis (2/4)
DO> That is an insult to Jesus Christ. Although many CLAIM to have
DO> him as founder,
DO> he himself said to those who called out to him "Lord, Lord!":
DO> "Get away from me you workers of lawlessness."
So who founded your movement ? Be careful. We don't want to insult
Date 07-03-91 10:37:00
From Terry Blount
To Daniel Osborn
Subject Detailed Analysis (2/4)
DO> It would probably do you some good. In the same way that not all
DO> who CLAIM to be founded by Jesus Christ are, Carla probably did
DO> not say what you think
DO> she did. If she did, I am sure that she will correct her view.
DO> She is not yet baptized
DO> as one of Jehovah's Witnesses and so is not to be expected to be
DO> fully "up to speed" on what we believe.
First, I don't think a little water is going to give her or me or you or
anyone more knowledge. If that were the case, I would get baptized
every day, several times a day. ( You are probably saying 'amen, you
need it < grin > ) So we are left to deal with whatever we bring
with us to the baptism in terms of our views.
Second, although the framework of a religious movement may be accepted
by its members, when you get down to detail, there is no 'we' that
believe the same thing.
Everyone understands ideas from their own viewpoint. We place more
weight on some areas of doctrine and less on others.
Date 07-03-91 10:47:00
From Terry Blount
To Daniel Osborn
Subject Detailed Analysis (2/4)
DO> I said that Jehovah's Witnesses do not view the Watchtower as
DO> infallible.
Ironically, I am not the only one who perceives the concept projected
from JW's that ( in their own words ) 'God edits the Watchtower'.
DO> " This continuing claim is a Satanic attack. It is based on a lie.
I'm not sure what claim we are talking about here. You seem to be
changing the topic a little to quickly for me to keep up.
As far as 'Satanic attack' I also believe that Satan attacks my
movement, however if we are to assume that persecution is a sign that we
are on God's side, homosexuals would also have a claim because they are
Date 07-03-91 11:05:00
From Terry Blount
To Timothy R. Castillo
Subject Jehovah's Witnesses Es A
TR> Do you now understand what he meant?
Yes, I understand that the eucharist is symbolical.
Date 07-03-91 11:09:00
From Terry Blount
To George Noonan
Subject The "Fruit" of the Tree
GN> Eve ate of the "fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and
GN> evil". You are right that this is not symbolic. But you are
GN> wrong to think of fruit in the terms of an apple or an orange.
GN> The term "fruit" here is idomiatic as in "his punishment
GN> was the fruit of his actions". Genesis 3:5 is quite explicit in
GN> what this "fruit" is, and it was not sex. Satan tempted Eve to
GN> by like God Himself. " ... ye shall be as gods, knowing good and
GN> evil".
You started out good but you forgot they were ashamed of their nakedness
after the encounter with the fruit.
God wanted man to be like him. Who else would God preferred his
children imitate ? The problem occurs when immature Adam and Eve began
to use their power of creativity before they were blessed in marriage.
Date 07-03-91 22:02:00
From Terry Blount
To Les Wilcox
LW> I think if I ask you to stop representing your opinions as
LW> biblical proof, you'd have to stop posting.
Alas... wouldn't we all ?
Date 07-04-91 16:40:00
From Terry Blount
To Carla Rygula
Subject messages
CR> > So Satan is going around ( dressed in a demonic spirit
CR> > of light )
CR> > testifying that Jesus Christ is the messiah just to 'trick'
CR> > people into
CR> > thinking that will go into a conscious spiritual world
CR> First of all, I never heard of a spirit that went around and did
CR> this!
You have never heard of spirits witnessing to people about Jesus ?
I find this hard to believe. This must be your first day at school ?
Well, I suppose I have to deal with people where ever they are.
MAT 27:52 And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints
which slept arose,
MAT 27:53 And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went
into the holy city, and appeared unto many.
What do you think was the purpose of their appearance ? Yes, to
Too bad you JW's never celebrated the famous pagan holiday we call
Christmas. You probably would have read the story of the birth of
Christ. You missed a great opportunity to learn something.
LUK 1:28 And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, [thou that
art] highly favoured, the Lord [is] with thee: blessed [art]
thou among women.
LUK 1:29 And when she saw [him], she was troubled at his saying, and
cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be.
LUK 1:30 And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast
found favour with God.
LUK 1:31 And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring
forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS.
LUK 1:32 He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the
Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of
his father David:
LUK 1:33 And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of
his kingdom there shall be no end.
And here is another pagan holiday that you could learn something from.
We call it Easter. We christians read about Jesus resurrection at our
Easter service.
MAT 28:5 And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye:
for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified.
MAT 28:6 He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the
place where the Lord lay.
MAT 28:7 And go quickly, and tell his disciples that he is risen from
the dead; and, behold, he goeth before you into Galilee;
there shall ye see him: lo, I have told you.
You know you should get yourself some holidays and teach some of these
fundamental lessons to your children.
Well, let me leave you with one more. But this is a big one. Since you
don't know that angels witness to us mortals about Jesus, I have to
assume you have not yet noticed the last book in the Bible. Let's just
examine the first verse and that should get you started.
REV 1:1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to
shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to
pass; and he sent and signified [it] by his angel unto his
servant John:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
I have to say that I am amazed that with all the Biblical discussion
about the spiritual phenomenon of the last days, I can't figure out how
anyone could come up with an idea that only bad spirits have the power
to appear to folks ? You better question your leaders about this
matter before you do get baptized. Just ask them why evil spirits
have more power than good ones. Or better yet, find out why there are
no good spirits. Don't be surprised if they start mumbling.
Date 07-04-91 17:13:00
From Terry Blount
To Thomas Bentley
Subject The Bible Hell
TB> of the immortality of the soul. Man does not have a conscious,
TB> immaterial nature which continues to live after death. Man is
TB> unconscios in death.
Sure, and these uncious folks were sleep walking when they appeared
with Jeus at the mount of Transfiguration.
Date 07-04-91 17:15:00
From Terry Blount
To Thomas Bentley
Subject The Bible Hell
TB> grave after death. The sinner cannot feel any torture if his
TB> brain and nervous system do not function.
What is the relationship between the spiritual body and the physical
body ? The physical self consists of the physical mind and the physical
body. The physical mind is the subject part of the physical self,
controlling the physiological functions of existence, reproduction, and
action. Thus, the physical mind is similar to an animal's instinct,
manifesting such desires as the desire for nourishment and the desire
for reproduction. The physical body consists of various organs,
muscles, and bones. In order for man's physical self to grow in good
health, it must take in air and sunlight, which are nutrients of a
Positive (Yang) nature, and also take in various foods and water which
are nutrients of a Negative (Um) nature. The physical self returns the
Vitality Element to the spirit self.
The spirit self was created to be the subject of the physical self; it
can be perceived through our spiritual senses. Even though a person may
believe in the existence of the spirit self as a result of his life of
faith, since fallen man has very poorly developed spiritual senses, he
still has many questions about what happens to the spirit self after its
separation from the physical self at death. When separated from the
physical self, does the spirit dissipate like smoke? Is it just a
spirit which leaves the physical self? Does it go to the spirit world
with a substantial form? If it does go to the spirit world, does it
merely merge into God, or does it occupy a separate place in the spirit
world? If so, what is the spirit like?
Just as each person has his own physical self, he also has his own
spirit entity; so the spirit entity is called a spirit self. The spirit
self is identical in appearance to the physical self, and it can
communicate directly with God after it is perfect. After leaving the
physical body at death, the spirit self lives for eternity in the spirit
world. Man desires to live forever because he has a spirit self which
has an eternal nature. The spirit self consists of a spirit mind and a
spirit body. The spirit mind is the core of the spirit self,
controlling the eternal life, love and ideals of man. The spirit mind
functions so that man lives a life of value, seeking for truth beauty,
and love. The spirit mind is the essence of the spirit self, is the
subject of the spirit body, and is the place where God can dwell. The
spirit body is the body of the spirit self, just as the physical body is
the body of the physical self.
The spirit self needs nutrition for its growth and perfection. The
positive nutrient for the spirit self is the Life Element from God. The
Life Element from God is the basic element that develops Heart within a
person and develops him as a being of truth. On the other hand, the
negative nutrient for the growth of the spirit self is the Vitality
Element which comes from the physical self. When the physical self acts
in accordance with God's Word, it projects good Vitality Element for the
growth of the spirit self. The spirit self not only receives the
Vitality Element from the physical self, but also projects in return a
certain element which is called the Spirit Element. The Spirit Element
is the element that gives joy and strength to the physical self.
Date 07-04-91 17:17:00
From Terry Blount
To Thomas Bentley
Subject The Bible Hell
TB> grave after death. The sinner cannot feel any torture if his
TB> brain and nervous system do not function.
The relationship between the spirit self and the physical self is that
of subject and object, with the spirit self growing and perfecting
itself on the basis of its relationship with the physical self. The
quality of a person's physical life is converted into Vitality Element
and transferred to the spirit self. Thus, the quality of the spirit is
dependent upon the quality of the physical life. Accordingly, a spirit
self that receives wholesome Vitality Element from the physical self
becomes a being of goodness, whereas a spirit self that receives bad
Vitality Element from the physical self will become evil. In order for
an evil spirit self to become a good one, that person must repent while
his spirit self is still in his physical self, for a person's evil
spirit self is healed by receiving good Vitality Element through his
repentance and faith in God's Word.
The most important aspect of the spirit self which has to be perfected
through the physical self is a person;s sensitivity to the love of God.
It was explained earlier that God's Purpose for the Creation is
fulfilled through the family (Four Position Foundation), the basic
foundation in which his ideal of love can dwell. Therefore, only a
spirit person who while on earth has fully perfected his sensitivity to
love as a child, as a husband or wife, and as a parent, all centered on
God, can go to the Kingdom of Heaven in the spirit world. The Kingdom of
Heaven is ruled and harmonized by the love of God; it is the place where
all are satisfied through God's love.
All created beings reach perfection through three growth stages. Based
on the physical self. man's spirit also goes through three stages of
growth. A spirit self in the formation stage is called a form spirit;
in the growth stage, a life spirit; and in the completion stage, a
divine spirit.
The relationship between the physical self and the spirit self is like
that between a tree and its fruit. A ripened fruit is harvested,
whereas its vine returns to the earth. Likewise, because the spirit
self was created to live for eternity, after separating from the
physical body it remains and lives eternally in the spirit world,
whereas the body returns to the earth. Many believe that man's physical
body dies because he fell, but this is incorrect. God warned in Genesis
2:17 the "'...in the day that you eat of it you shall die.'" Adam and
Eve "died" as a result of eating the Fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge
of Good and Evil. Nevertheless, after Adam and Eve fell, they lived for
several hundred years on earth and bore children. This means that the
death caused by the Fall is not the death by which the physical body
returns to the earth. As soon as the first ancestors fell by disobeying
God's Word, their eternal spirit "died"--that is, their spirit selves,
which could communicate with God, ceased to function. Ecclesiastes 12:7
says, "...the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit
returns to God who gave it." This indicates that the physical self's
returning to the earth is in accordance with the natural order of the
Creation. A more detailed explanation of this matter will be given
later, in the chapter "Resurrection."
When a person lives in his physical body according to God's Ideal for
the Creation, he will be living in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, and
the world where his perfected spirit self will go after his life on
earth will be the Kingdom of Heaven in the spirit world.
However, since God's Purpose for the Creation is to be realized on
earth, his first objective in the work of salvation must also be man on
earth. Thus, God has over and over again sent his prophets to this
faithless world and even sent the Messiah himself to earth. This
crucial role of the physical life (and self) is why the Bible teaches
that "...whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and
whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven" (emphases added)
(Mt 18:18), and why it teaches us to pray that God's Ideal for the
Creation should be realized on earth (Mt 6:10).
It is not God who determines whether a spirit person goes to the Kingdom
of Heaven or to hell. It is each person himself who determines this
through his daily life while in his physical body on earth. Each person
goes to the place in the spirit world corresponding to the stage of
development that his spirit self attained while he was on earth. God,
the Messiah, and religion can only teach people how to avoid hell and
show the way to the Kingdom of Heaven. Whether or not one receives the
teachings of God and church is the responsibility of each individual.
In the world where the Purpose for the Creation is realized, Satan, sin,
and hell cannot possibly exist. In God's Ideal for the Creation, only
heaven was to exist. But because of sin, man lost his original value
and became like refuse. The place where this refuse is kept is what we
call hell.
In a perfect person the spirit mind and the physical mind perform
perfect Give and Take Action centered on God and unite, forming what is
call the original mind. Man's original mind always directs him toward
the Will and Purpose of God. When the physical body returns to the
earth, the physical mind ceases to exist, but the original mind, which
is formed through the interaction of the spirit mind and the physical
mind, remains within the spirit self.
Fallen man still has within him the original mind, which directs him
toward goodness. However, fallen people have lost the absolute standard
of goodness, and therefore their standards of conscience differ from one
another according to their opinion of what is true. Wherever a different
MegaMail -> Warning, Message Truncated!
Date 07-04-91 21:58:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Fall of Man
MS> Terry, you can make as many catagories as you want, but God only
MS> makes two: blasphemy of the Holy Spirit (which He does not
MS> forgive) and all the other sins, which He does forgive. Does 1
MS> Corinthians say anything about God being
MS> unable to forgive
MS> the sin of fornication? No. All it says is that it is a sin
MS> against ones' own body, not against others.
Please note that it was the Bible that made this catagory and NOT me.
Date 07-04-91 22:00:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Fall of Man
MS> TB> This makes no sense whatsoever. You are saying it is ok to
MS> kill the TB> mediator because he will come back to life. And
MS> that will mean that God
MS> TB> can forgive me of my sins. If killing Jesus was beneficial
MS> to anyone's
MS> TB> salvation, then Satan would have in no way participated.
MS> No I am not. What I will say is that Christ'w whole ministry
MS> pointed toward Calvary and His death.
You are obviously starting with that conclusion and working backwards to
prove it. God would not depend on Satan to support his will and
cooperate with Judas to carry it out.
MS> Besides, you are trying to treat Satan as if he were God
What do we know about Satan ? The Bible tells us that he is:
2CO 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them
which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of
Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
Also he has kept man under the dominion of sin even till today. You
must think you are dealing with ? Mickey Mouse ? Satan is a formidable
enemy and you better watch out.
MS> He is a created being just like you and me.
He was created, but if you think either of us can compare to the wisdom
he has acquired from being with God from the beginning of creation, you
are seriously under estimating your enemy.
MS>He doesn't know what will happen tomorrow anymore than you or I do.
He knows God's plan for establishing the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and
he was slick enough to disrupt that plan and take away God's children,
then he later took part in the murder of Christ. And once again
prolonged the fulfillment of God's will.
You simply don't understand the nature of love. Or you would see the
situation God is in.
MS> It's quite likely that when Christ uttered "It is
MS> finished", Satan started a victory dance.
He danced alright ! He knew Jesus wasn't going to establish a family
and bring a bunch of sinless children into the world who would grow up
to become messiah's themselves.
MS> Don't try to apply human logic to the angelic host or to
MS> God - it doesn't work...
Give me a break ! You talk human logic in every message you write,
then go and tell me not to do it ? Ha ha ha ha ha
Date 07-04-91 22:20:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Fall of Man
MS> Read Scripture instead of the writings of Moon, Terry. Christ
MS> spent His whole life headed toward His crucifixition, not
MS> searching for the perfect woman so He could spawn perfect
MS> children.
Jesus had plenty chances to get himself killed. Rather than living a
life aimed at his MURDER, he spent most of it trying to escape death,
till finally he had no support and he realized that it would be
impossible to continue on his own.
JOH 10:31 Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him.
JOH 10:33 The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee
not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man,
makest thyself God.
JOH 10:38 But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works:
that ye may know, and believe, that the Father [is] in me,
and I in him.
JOH 10:39 Therefore they sought again to take him: but he escaped out
of their hand,
Date 07-04-91 22:28:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Fall of Man
TB>What is wrong with helping Jesus fulfill the three blessings that God
TB>originally gave to Adam. Since Adam could not fulfill them centered
TB> on God, the messiah will have to come to do fulfill them.
MS> Huh? Show me in the Bible
MS> where Jesus was suppose to fulfill the three blessing Mankind
MS> has subdued the earth, and little children are born each day.
MS> That wasn't Jesus' mission - His job was to reestablish a
MS> personal relationship between God and man.
Did he do that ? No, they KILLED him first ! The messiah is the
True Father and the True Father must have a True Wife and a True Mother
for his True kids. Adam and Eve fell and established the False
parents, the messiah comes to establish the position True Parents to
mankind. Someday you will see the light. I wish I were humble enough
to help you see it now. Why don't you pray about this ? Maybe God can
show you in a way you can receive it.
Date 07-04-91 22:35:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Fall of Man
MS> I saw the light years ago Terry, and continue to see it. Now
MS> I'm trying to bring it to you to knock away your spiritual
MS> blindness. You're again arguing a doctrine that is not found
MS> anywhere in the Bible, and now you are trying to add a new
MS> one - that Adam tryed to convert angels.
No, I did not say that Adam tried to convert angles. I asked you how
was Adam supposed to multiply ? Surely Jesus was supposed to multiply
not only by gaining followers but also by having children also.
MS> Genesis mentions
MS> nothing about maturity, nor even the concept of it. Yes, God
MS> told Adam and Eve to be fruitfuland multiply. But He didn't say
MS> "Be fruitful and multiply, but wait until
MS> some later date
MS> when you are mature, since I am obviously not powerful or wise
MS> enough to have created you mature." What He did say was "don't
MS> touch the fruit of this one tree", which is what they disobeyed.
You haven't thought about this deeply enough yet. God would not tell
Adam and Eve to multiply two times. Become fruitful does not mean to
multiply. It means to mature. God would not tell immature children to
multiply, and the fact that they fell is proof that they were not yet
perfected in oneness with God. If a perfect person could fall, then we
would have to assume that God Himself could also sin.
Date 07-04-91 22:46:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Mary Sinless?
MS> According to you, they just wanted a quick "roll in the hay"
MS> before God had told them it was okay to do so, even though He
MS> had already given them His okay (Gen 1:28), which is completely
MS> contrary to what the Bible records. Now, whose understanding
MS> is shallow, or at least completely blinded?
You still don't understand the motiveation and process of the fall. They
did not want a quick 'roll in the hay'.
Man was created to grow to perfection, moved from within during the
growth period, or period of indirect dominion, by the force of The
Principle to live in accordance with The Principle. Therefore, the
force of The Principle cannot itself derail man from the track of The
Principle and make him fall. But prior to perfection man is liable to
be derailed from the track if hit by a force stronger than that of The
Principle, which directs man's growth. The only force stronger than
that of The Principle is the force of love, Then while man is still
imperfect, prior to experiencing the perfect love of God's direct
dominion, it is possible for him to fall because of non-Principle
"love," love directed toward a purpose different from God's.
Then why did God make the force of love stronger than the force of The
Principle? Love is the motive and purpose for God's creating the
Creation, and therefore, love is the most precious aspect of all things,
To the Creation it is the source of life, happiness, and joy. Although
God created all things in accordance with The Principle, or laws, since
he ultimately desired a dominion of love, he made love the strongest
Because the force of love is stronger than the force of The Principle,
there is always the possibility that during his growth period a person
may fall due to non-Principle "love." What can prevent this? Once the
force of non-Principle "love" comes into play during their period when a
person is still imperfect and not directly in the dominion of God's
love, he may fall. In order to prevent this, God game man the
commandment 'not to eat of the fruit of good and evil'. As long as the
human ancestors had faithfully kept the commandment, they would not have
established a reciprocal base with the archangel. Accordingly, the force
of non-Principle "love" would not have come into existence. However,
since they did not maintain their faith and observe the commandment, but
instead established a reciprocal base and a give and take relationship
with the archangel, the force of immoral "love" caused them to deviate
from the track of The Principle.
Then how long would God have required the first ancestors to keep the
commandment "not to eat," which is the condition of faith that God gave
them? Once Adam and Eve had perfected themselves and established
horizontal love as husband and wife centered on God, there would have
been no force that could break that love, because the love created
between them would have been absolute love. Then, after having
perfected themselves, they could never have fallen. The force of the
lower-level love of the archangel cannot violate the love between a
perfected husband and a perfected wife. Accordingly, God's commandment
'not to eat' was required only as long as Adam and Eve were still in the
period prior to their perfection.
Date 07-04-91 22:53:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Mary Sinless?
MS> TB> in touch with him since both of you are off the deep end in
MS> opposite TB> directions.
MS> Gee, Terry, is your back so far up against a wall that you must
MS> resort to personal attacks now?
I really don't see any personal attack in my statement, but if you took
it that way I apologize.
Date 07-04-91 22:54:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Mary Sinless?
MS> TB> So Why Did They Hide Their Nakedness, Instead Of Their
MS> Hands And Mouth?
MS> Because, as the Scripture says "their eyes were opened, and they
MS> saw that they were naked." You are the only one who has assumed
MS> that a person always tries to hand the body part they sinned with..
Weak answer. I what to hear some 'human logic' coming from your
fingers !
Date 07-04-91 22:58:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Mary Sinless?
MS> No, Free Will didn't cause Sin, but it does allow for sin.
MS> Where ever free will is involved, there is the possibility of
MS> doing the wrong thing. As to being free to sin, yes you are,
MS> just as your boss might tell you you are free to go home early.
MS> You can do it, but there is always a cost. What
MS> I never said was that sin is free - it's not. The payment, the
MS> wages, of sin is death.
Finally ! You are right on target ! Well, at least on this topic.
Date 07-04-91 23:00:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
MS> Huh? I didn't say that God dug it up - I said He may have to
MS> move it, but that I didn't know. That's one of the things that
MS> ins't covered in Scripture.
Well, why do you jump all over me for telling you things that are not
covered in Scripture ? I don't see why I should you allow you the
privilege of 'imagination' while you won't do the same for me ?
Isn't the purpose of this conference for discussing different
interpretations of the Bible ? You should use your imagination.
TB> Anyone with such an active imagination should not have any problem
TB>understanding why Adam and Eve hid their nakedness after they sinned.
MS> Imagination has nothing to do with understanding recorded facts.
You know what they were doing. You just won't admit it.
Date 07-05-91 07:41:00
From Terry Blount
To Daniel Osborn
Subject Bible "nwt" (cont.n
DO> Where do you get the authority to question Jehovah's allowing
DO> meat to be eaten ONLY if it has been properly bleed? How can
DO> you, as a created being stand there and say, in effect, "You are
DO> wrong to have injunctions against blood, Jehovah,
DO> when you allow small portions to be eaten?"
I sure as heck ain't questioning Jehovah, I'm obliviously doing what you
are doing... questioning another person's interpretation of Jehovah's
Jehovah made no injunctions against transfusions. Your church most
likely will change its position like it did on organ transplants.
Date 07-05-91 07:46:00
From Terry Blount
To Daniel Osborn
Subject Bible "nwt" (cont.n
DO> You miss the whole point of God's laws regarding blood.
DO> Blood is sacred. It is used often in the Bible to signify life.
Lots of things are sacred. It is not a sin to participate in sacred
DO> "The life is in the blood" etc. To use blood as a glue (as is
DO> sometimes done with plywood)shows a low level of respect for
DO> life. It is like determining how many livescan
DO> be lost on a given construction project before such loss is too
DO> many. To use blood for any purpose would show similar
You should watch Star Treck 4 the movie. You could learn that to give
one live for the many is a nobel gesture. We always must calculate the
potential outcome of a situation and select the route that is best for
the greater public good. That's why out ancestors fought and died for
the freedom we enjoy in America today.
Date 07-05-91 07:54:00
From Terry Blount
To Daniel Osborn
Subject Detailed Analysis (2/4)
DO> > DO> She is not yet baptized
DO> > DO> as one of Jehovah's Witnesses and so is not to be
DO> expected to be > DO> fully "up to speed" on what we believe.
DO> > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
DO> > First, I don't think a little water is going to give her or
DO> me or > anyone more knowledge. If that were the case, I would
DO> get . . .
DO> Please do not insert words for me. I did not, nor have I ever
DO> said,
I did not change any of your words. Why would you think I'm rewriting
your messages ?
Date 07-05-91 07:56:00
From Terry Blount
To Daniel Osborn
Subject Detailed Analysis (2/4)
DO> They
DO> put it to the body of elders in Jerusalem. The decision that
DO> that body reached
DO> was accepted by everyone in every congregation. That is the way
DO> that Jehovah's
DO> Witnesses do things today. We do not view those men in our
DO> governing body as
DO> having some personal phone line to Jehovah. We do accept their
DO> word, but only as long as it is in line with the Bible. There
DO> have been times in our history when some sought to introduce
DO> ideas that were against Biblical laws.
DO> The persons
DO> who attempted these things were removed from the body, even from
DO> the entire organization if they were unrepentant.
I agree that this is the proper way to run a Church, but sooner or later
every church has faced an issue that will divide the people and when
someone get's 'purged', there will be enough support that you will have
2 churches. That's how we came to have over 400 dominations of
christianity today. In my opinion, love is the only glue that can
eternally bind a congregation. People are always going to disagree on
Date 07-05-91 08:03:00
From Terry Blount
To Wesley Jones
Subject messages
WJ> He tricked a perfect human pair didn't he? Don't you think it
WJ> would be easier
WJ> for him to trick us imperfect people?
NO, Adam and Eve were not perfect. If a perfect person sinned we would
have to conclude they were not perfect. Adam and Eve were sinless, but
they still needed to grow to perfection though obedience to the
Date 07-05-91 16:38:00
From Terry Blount
To Paul Lenzmeier @ 960/1
Subject Jahovah's Witnesses
PL> Terry. the term "destructive" describes the groups use of mind
PL> control recruitement, programming, and retaining their members.
Sounds like you are describing your religion to me.
PL> Their tactics result in the termination of independant thought,
PL> the priveledge of thinking independantly of the organization
PL> they are involved with. A victim of mind control has a difficult
PL> time becoming a Christian, as it requires independant thought to
PL> utilize free choise to choose Christ. If you don't see mind
PL> contril as destructive, just look at The Peoples Temple, The
PL> Moonies, Hare Krishna, etc. Hundreds of people took their lives
PL> at Jonestown, and the lives of their loved ones. I call that
PL> DESTRUCTIVE. Thakns for your input. Yours in Christ, Paul.
I thought Jim Jones was from your flavor of religion ?
Date 07-05-91 16:41:00
From Terry Blount
To Paul Lenzmeier @ 960/1
Subject Jehovah's Witnesses
PL> Gee Terry, sorry I goofed. Please don't be so hard on me. I do
PL> appreciate your pointing that out to me. Later, Paul.
That's alright. Afte all I'm under mind controll and I can't help it.
Date 07-05-91 16:43:00
From Terry Blount
To Jim Taylor
Subject Johnathan D.'s "Publubli
JT> Insulate.dat sounds great! Do you have info on how (or if) it
JT> can be configuredfor D'Bridge? What software do you have it
JT> configured for, on your system?
JT> I'm very interested, but also (chronically!) over-budget on my
JT> phone bill, just like
JT> most of us! <grin>...
INSULATE.ZIP 6,838 07-02-91 Insulate your BBS form any user on
Yes, it should work with any bbs. It checks the inbound .pkt's and
strips out any messages that are to, from, or about the persons or
subjects listed in your insulate.dat file. I'm using it with Spitfire
and DogFight but several Sysops running all kinds of configurations have
called up and downloaded it. I'm sure you can figure out where to
insert it in your batch file that runs the mail. You will have to call
my bbs and download it, it is not available to request or crash. But
you can see it is very small. Let me know what you think of the
graphics you get when you log on.
Date 07-05-91 16:52:00
From Terry Blount
To Jim Taylor
Subject Virgin Or Fornicatcat
JT> One thought occurs to me: Perhaps humanity did a lot of
JT> necessary "maturing",
JT> in the period between Eve and Mary. Surely it takes more than a
JT> naive child
JT> to be the Theotokos (Birth-giver of God), wouldn't you think?
Yes, the way I see it, evil has grown from a individual and family
level at the time of Adam and Eve to a national level at the time of
Jesus. So for the messiah to come it was necessary for God to
establish a national foundation to receive him. So there were a lot
more conditions to be met than those of his mother. Likewise today the
messiah would have to come on a world wide scale. He needs an group of
nations to establish a foundation upon which he can appear.
Date 07-05-91 23:36:00
From Terry Blount
To Les Wilcox
Subject ?
LW> >Is this to say that you believe Jesus was resurrected in the
LW> same
LW> >body that he died in?
LW> Carla
LW> I believe it because thats what Jesus taught us.
I think Carla is right on this one. Have you ever noticed it was
difficult for people who knew Jesus to recognize him after the
resurrection ?
Date 07-05-91 23:39:00
From Terry Blount
To Pedro Vega
Subject Detailed Analysis (s (2
PV> TB> the godless, we all will see that we have much more in
PV> common that we TB> want to be known for at the present.
PV> The edge in that battle lies in accepting Jesus as the
PV> Messiah who by His blood, saved us all.
True, but if people make the same mistake of failing to recognize Christ
when he returns, they won't accept him.
Date 07-05-91 23:42:00
From Terry Blount
To Les Wilcox
LW> LW> I think if I ask you to stop representing your opinions as
LW> LW> biblical proof, you'd have to stop posting.
LW> >Alas... wouldn't we all ?
LW> Terry
LW> Nope! I can count on taking the Bible for what it means, and it
LW> has to back itself up PLAINLY before I make a opinion. It
LW> claims that all its mysteries are hidden in Jesus, and these are
LW> always found in the old testament, plainly written, and by the
LW> Spirit, plainly understood. You gosple adds to the scripture
LW> and presents itself as a totally different gosple, BOTH are
LW> strickly forbidden!!
Don't look now, but this is the same agument used against appending the
New Testament to the Old Testament. Aren't you glad that they didn't
listen to people like you back then ?
Date 07-06-91 07:46:00
From Terry Blount
To Philip Brown
Subject Blood Issue
PB> Leviticus 17:10-15 shows that the reason the person should
PB> not eat an already dead animal is that the blood of the animal
PB> had not been bleeded out of it. But they could give it to
PB> others. Thus Witnesses could give their blood to others to be
PB> transfussed.
Don't count on that happening. < grin >
Actually it would be a good idea if you were in need of blood and the
hospital had some blood from a Jw on the menu. Chances are really much
better the blood would be healthier than the common wino blood that they
bought for 15 bucks... or has the price gone up ?
Date 07-06-91 08:19:00
From Terry Blount
To Les Wilcox
Subject Fall of Man
LW> Galatians 1:8-9
LW> "But even though we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to
LW> you a gospel contrary to that which we have preached to you, let
LW> him be accursed. As we have said before, so I say again now, if
LW> any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary
LW> to that which you recieved, let him be accursed."
Be careful least you curse cause you harm:
MAR 1:27 And they were all amazed, insomuch that they questioned
among themselves, saying, What thing is this? what new
doctrine [is] this?
ACS 17:19 And they took him, and brought him unto Areopagus, saying,
May we know what this new doctrine, whereof thou speakest,
Date 07-06-91 08:21:00
From Terry Blount
To Les Wilcox
Subject Fall of Man
LW> I see you ignored my letter about Noah and this idea of yours
LW> with "be fruitful and multiply". Are ashamed of that one?
I must be ? I don't remember anything you posted about Noah. But I do
remember that when his son was ashamed of Noah's nakedness and covered
Noah, this identified with Adam and Eve's shame from the fall ( and
fornication ) and resulted in a serious curse for Ham.
Date 07-06-91 08:26:00
From Terry Blount
To Harvey Smith
Subject messages
HS> TB=> So Satan is going around ( dressed in a demonic spirit of
HS> light ) TB=> testifying that Jesus Christ is the messiah just to
HS> 'trick' people
HS> Welll Jesus said that folks would come in His Name and deceive
HS> many and that they would say Jesus is the Messiah. But without
HS> offering any hope of salvation, but their own path instead of
HS> His. That is the twist.
Humm, where did you get this ?
I suppose John the Baptist should have been more careful when he had his
experience with the spirit of the dove ? He could have been getting
duked ?
Date 07-06-91 08:29:00
From Terry Blount
To George Noonan
Subject The "Fruit" of the Te T
GN> Sorry Terry you are mistaken here. Adam and Eve lived in
GN> pre-history before the institution of marriage had been
GN> invented. They were ashamed of their nakedness because their
GN> eyes had been open to ALL sin. If the story is to be taken
GN> literally no one in the first 11 chapters of Genesis were
GN> "married" in the sense of a formal ceromony.
You are correct. No one was married in God's eyes. Jesus said fallen
man was born of fornication. And we are still waiting the marriage of
the Lamb.
Date 07-06-91 21:58:00
From Terry Blount
To Les Wilcox
Subject ?
LW> It seems anyone can "think" what they want about the Bible. The
Yes, I've noticed that since about a year ago when I first started
reading this conference.
LW> I feel that when the bible does't make something plain, no one
LW> has the right
LW> to TELL everyone what it means. This is why I have a problem
LW> with you and your rendition of the fall of man.
First you evidently don't like discussing issues you don't agree on. The
purpose of this conference is to exchange ideas and information. There
is no way to do that without 'TELLING' other users.
Second, and most important of all, your problem with accepting the truth
about the fall of man is because your original mind understands that you
have to change. We all have to face sin and deal with it and that is
dirty work. I admire anyone that makes effort to live a religious life,
even if they don't know how real sin actually is, or how seriously it
has taken hold of us.
Date 07-06-91 22:28:00
From Terry Blount
To Les Wilcox
LW> The New testament was a fulfillment of the Old, you however can
LW> not make this boast with YOUR interpretation. The Bible does
LW> not back the claims of your interpretation, but it does back the
LW> claims of Jesus! GLORY TO GOD!!!
Then explain why there are millions of Jews who faithfully read the Old
Testament and cannot see the continuity that you see. Could it be that
you are like them in that respect ? I see the continuity between my
interpretation and the scripture. ...just as you see continuity between
the Old and New Testament.
Date 07-07-91 11:08:00
From Terry Blount
To Pedro Vega
Subject Detailed Analysis is (
PV> When the Lord returns, He'll recognize those who are His.
PV> Those who are His are those who accepted Him, are under the work
PV> of Redemption performed
PV> under His first Coming. For those who didn't recognize Him will
PV> be already too late.
According to Jesus, not everyone will recognize him at his return.
LUK 18:8 I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless
when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?
Date 07-07-91 11:13:00
From Terry Blount
To Carla Rygula
CR> > LW> I think if I ask you to stop representing your opinions
CR> > LW> biblical proof, you'd have to stop posting.
CR> > Alas... wouldn't we all ?
CR> Please speak for yourself!!
If everyone read the Bible and got the same opinion, you would not need
your home study sessions to explain your opinion. I can't believe you
don't know you have your own opinion. I can't believe that you don't
realize we all have just as much confidence as you that our opinion is
the correct, Biblical, one. You should make an attempt to see things
from a viewpoint other than your own, even when you disagree.
Date 07-07-91 16:45:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Fall of Man
MS> MS> Don't try to apply human logic to the angelic host or to
MS> MS> God - it doesn't work...
MS> TB> Give me a break ! You talk human logic in every message
MS> you write, TB> then go and tell me not to do it ? Ha ha ha ha
MS> That's because I'm trying to deal with you right now. Not
MS> with God. You are human aren't you? I do realize you have a
MS> slim grasp on what logic is...
Yes and I'm talking to a human right now too !
Date 07-07-91 16:48:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Fall of Man
MS> TB> No, I did not say that Adam tried to convert angles. I
MS> asked you how TB> was Adam supposed to multiply ? Surely Jesus
MS> was supposed to multiply TB> not only by gaining followers but
MS> also by having children also. NO, you did ask how Adam was
MS> suppose to convert angles. As to how he was to multiple, I
MS> would imagine it would be with the sexual organs God created him
MS> and Eve with, following the same method that man has used since
MS> that time. As to Jesus,
MS> were does that idea come from? It certainly isn't Scriptural.
MS> Then again, almost all the doctrines you have expounded upon
MS> have followed that same pattern.
Yes, fortunately my ideas follow a pattern of logic. I have a faith
that makes sense. Not some confusion about killing an innocent person
so that I may be forgiven of my sins.
Date 07-07-91 16:51:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Mary Sinless?
MS> You really do have a problem with your eye-sight, don't you?
MS> Pick up a Bible,
MS> and read what it says, not what you've been told it says:
So you pick and chose what scripture is literal and what is symbolic.
That's really the only difference between us.
Do you think the stars will literally fall to earth ?
MAR 13:25 And the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are
in heaven shall be shaken.
Are we literal sheep ? baaaaa baaaa
JOH 10:14 I am the good shepherd, and know my [sheep], and am known of
Did the Earth really stand still ?
ZEC 1:11 And they answered the angel of the LORD that stood among the
myrtle trees, and said, We have walked to and fro through
the earth, and, behold, all the earth sitteth still, and is
at rest.
Did Jesus really do this ?
ISA 11:4 But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove
with equity for the meek of the earth: and he shall smite
the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of
his lips shall he slay the wicked.
Date 07-08-91 08:14:00
From Terry Blount
To Phil Morrison
Subject Fall of man
PM> (They killed Him first) Really,? Did Jesus have NO
PM> knowledge that His Mission was a success in any form? Weren't
PM> there at least three people who acknowledged Him as Saviour
PM> PRIOR to his sacrificial atonement?
? So God worked for 2,000 years to prepare a nation to receive His son
and 3 people did it.... and one of them was already dieing on the cross
beside Jesus...
You don't seem to have a grasp of the magnitude of what God really
wanted to accomplish when He sent his son into the world. Think about
1JO 3:8 ...For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he
might destroy the works of the devil.
Jesus began his ministry preaching about the coming kingdom, and John
the Baptist said the Kingdom of Heaven was at hand. Something
obliviously went wrong to delay the fulfillment of this goal. We are
not living in any kind of heavenly kingdom. Christ must come again !
Date 07-08-91 08:22:00
From Terry Blount
To Bob Eastman
Subject Jahovah's Witnesses
BE> CR> Jesus will return in the same way he left. How was this?
BE> Quietly, with CR> only his disciples being aware of it.
BE> Jehovah's Witnesses are indeed CR> his disciples, and they were
BE> indeed the only was aware of it. But aren't you forgetting
BE> what the book of Revelation tells us, that Jesus Christ will
BE> return in the air with great glory and the whole world will
BE> see him?
Carla is right on this one...
LUK 17:20 And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom
of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom
of God cometh not with observation:
LUK 18:8 I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless
when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?
Date 07-08-91 08:26:00
From Terry Blount
To Tom Gardner
Subject Jehovah's Witnesses
]TG> TB> That's alright. Afte all I'm under mind controll and I
TG> can't help it.
TG> Admitting your problem is the first step toward recovery. <grin>
You are right. I do have a problem. But it is not mind controll, it is
sin. I am a sinner. And I need treatment. I preferrer to think I'm
ok kind of guy, but then that leads to complacency.
I suppose its like something I heard:
"Show me a satisfied person and I'll show you a failure. "
Satisfied folks don't do much.
Date 07-08-91 09:54:00
From Terry Blount
To Ron Powers
Subject Jesus' Resurrection
RP> > I believe Jesus transformed himself into the body he died
RP> with, to > prove to Philip (or Thomas) that he was indeed
RP> resurrected.
RP> Care to back that up with scripture? No where does it say that
RP> Jesus TRANSFORMEDinto a body.
You are correct about this.
RP> What it does say is that Jesus
RP> would resurrect the very same body that was destroyed.
oops.. I don't think it says this. In fact, there is lots of evidence
that Jesus' resurrected body was not the same as his physical body.
Let us draw our conclusion as to the meaning of resurrection. If the
physical body's return to the earth is not the death caused by the Fall,
then it is obvious that the meaning of 'passing from death to life' --
that is, resurrection -- cannot be revival of a decomposed body.
According to "The Principles of Creation", it was God's original
intention that man's physical body die and return to the earth when it
becomes old (Eccles 12:7). So once the physical body decomposes, it
will not be resurrected to its original state.
Since resurrection does not refer to physical life and death, it must
refer to the life and death of man's spirit. Therefore resurrection is
the process of man's being restored from Satan's dominion to God's
direct dominion through the Dispensation for Restoration. If a person
repents of his sins and becomes a better person today than he was
yesterday, then he is resurrected to that extent. Jesus said, "'... he
who hears my word and believes him who sent me, has eternal life; he
does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life.'" (Jn
5:24). This shows that resurrection, or passing from death to life,
begins from the point of hearing Jesus' words and believing in God. The
Bible says, "... as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made
alive" (1 Cor 15:22). Because of the fall of Adam, his entire lineage
has been a satanic one, and therefore dead. So, to be resurrected means
to become one of God's lineage, through Christ.
However, Matthew 27:52 seems to support belief in resurrection of the
physical body. Let us examine this passage. It says, "... the tombs
also were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep
were raised, and coming out of the tombs after his [Jesus'] resurrection
they went into the holy city and appeared to many." However, if this had
taken place literally, then the history of persecution in early
Christianity would not have taken place. Even though the Israelites had
become faithless and had crucified Jesus, they had done so believing
that he was not the Lord. However, if they had witnessed the prophets
rising from their tombs and had heard them testifying that Jesus was the
Messiah, wouldn't they have believed in Jesus? Then why would they have
persecuted the disciples of Jesus?
Also, since resurrection is said to result in eternal life, then
shouldn't we be able to see many of those resurrected Old Testament
prophets alive today? And wouldn't those brought to life through the
grace of resurrection have testified to many about God and Jesus? Then
certainly there would have been some record of this in the Book of Acts.
However, there is only one passage in the Bible that mentions them --
the one in Matthew which tells of their rising from their tombs and
appearing to many (Mt 27:52).
Date 07-08-91 13:06:00
From Terry Blount
To Carla Rygula
Subject ?
CR> > Jesus was in a different body, only that he was not
CR> > recognized.
CR> This is true. But, if you don't come to this conclusion then how
CR> do you explain
CR> Luke 24: 15-35?
CR> "Now as they were conversing and discussing Jesus approached
CR> and began walking
CR> with them, but their eyes were kept from recognizing him."
You are correct on this point. I wonder why you find the need to have
Jesus reclaim his physical body to show doubting Thomas ? Haven't you
read about spirits eating with Abraham and wrestling with Jacob ?
Surely you know of them fornicating in Sodom and I know you have heard
me tell everyone that Lucifer fornicated with Eve.
Date 07-08-91 13:11:00
From Terry Blount
To Gary Sibio
Subject Detailed Analysis
GS> Does Moon teach that Elijah's "help" for St. John the Baptist
GS> extend past the point of prayer or was that it?
This is difficult to answer, because the Divine Principle teaches that
John the Baptist had a mission far beyond testifying to Jesus. This
leads to the conclusion that John failed his mission. Now about the
support that he (John) had from Elijah, there is not anything that I
have read that is specific in this case.
The main idea behind the support and help from the spirit world is not
really focused on what spirits actually do, but rather the motivation
and purpose of their cooperation with living people. Let me explain:
Countless people have already passed on to the spirit world, and
not one has ever perfected himself while on earth in his physical self.
How can these spirit persons be resurrected? A person's spirit self can
neither grow nor be resurrected apart from the physical self. So for
those in the spirit world to be resurrected, they must return to earth
and fulfill the responsibility that they left unaccomplished during
their physical life. they accomplish this by cooperating with people on
earth and working through others' physical selves to help them to
fulfill their mission. This is the reason that Jude 1:14 says that in
the Last Days '... the Lord came with his holy myriads ...". In what
manner do the spirit persons cooperate with persons on earth to
accomplish God's Will? When a person on earth, through prayer or
spiritual activities, happens to form a base conductive to spiritual
communication and partnership, then a spirit person will return and
begin to cooperate with that person on earth by Give and Take Action
with his spirit self.
{Notice this next paragraph. It is the most complete answer I can offer}
The spirit person helps the person on earth to receive revelations
or to have deep experiences of truth, and sometimes helps him to
experience other spiritual phenomena such as the power to cure diseases,
the ability to prophesy, or spiritual fire.
Jesus' age two thousand years ago and the time when Christ returns
in the Last Days are both special times when all the faithful on earth
can be spiritually elevated (in accordance with the Dispensation for
Restoration). Especially since these are the times when God's Word of
re-creation appears anew (as the gospel and the new words respectively),
then according to the principles of resurrection these times are the
most significant opportunities -- opportunities when man's spirit self
can be resurrected at an accelerated rate. Therefore, in Jesus' time the
form spirits of the Old Testament Age, who had dealt only with the Law,
all longed to return and meet the condition of cooperating with the
faithful on earth.
Since Elijah appeared as a spirit person to Jesus and his disciples
on the mount of the Transfiguration (Mt 17:3), it is clear that Elijah
is in the spirit world. Yet, Jesus indicated that John the Baptist, who
was on earth, was Elijah (Mt 17:12,13; 11:14). In light of the
principles of resurrection we can understand that Elijah had returned in
order to complete the mission that he had left unaccomplished while on
earth by cooperating with John the Baptist. According to the principles
governing returning resurrection, the physical self of John the Baptist
was a substitute for that of Elijah.
Matthew 27:52 says that when Jesus died on the cross many saints
rose from their tombs. This is also a phenomenon of the resurrection of
spirit persons -- resurrection of those who had developed a form spirit
while on earth. By cooperating with those on earth who believe in and
attend the Lord of the Second Coming and by helping them to become
divine spirit selves, spirit persons of the life spirit level (Paradise)
can receive the same benefits and themselves become divine spirits.
Hebrews 11:39-41 says, "And all these [saints of the Old Testament
age], though well attested by their faith, did not receive what was
promised [admission to the Kingdom of Heaven], since God had foreseen
something better [the Kingdom of Heaven] for us [persons on earth], that
apart from us they [spirit persons] should not be made perfect". These
words demonstrate the principles of returning resurrection.
Date 07-08-91 13:26:00
From Terry Blount
To Carla Rygula
CR> Lets not forget that when Jesus appeared to Thomas, he appeared
CR> even though the doors were locked.
This is what I mentioned to you about Jesus reclaiming his physical
body. Had he done this he could not have appeared in the closed room.
And if he could walk through a wall in his physical body, someone would
have to come up with a wild tail on how the nails held him on the cross.
Date 07-08-91 13:33:00
From Terry Blount
To Carla Rygula
CR> Terry, why do you ignore the scriptures that tell us the DEAD
CR> are conscious of NOTHING? It amazes me how you can ignore these
CR> scriptures, but you don't ignore the ones you want to believe...
Do you know that you do this also ? I find lots of scripture about the
work of the spiritual world. I'm even more amazed that you would pick
some vague reference over the many actions of those in the spiritual
world to form your conclusion.
Date 07-09-91 08:52:00
From Terry Blount
To Wesley Jones
Subject messages
WJ> > NO, Adam and Eve were not perfect. If a perfect person
WJ> > sinned we would
WJ> > have to conclude they were not perfect. Adam and Eve
WJ> > were sinless, but
WJ> > they still needed to grow to perfection though obedience
WJ> > to the
WJ> > commandment.
WJ> So now you are saying that one (or two in this case) of Gods
WJ> creatures are not perfect. Why would God make something that was
WJ> not perfect. Does a construction worker try to make a house as
WJ> close to perfect as possible. Why can't he make it perfect?
The answer lies in the understanding of the difference between
sinlessness and perfection. God created Adam and Eve sinless but unlike
a house created by a construction worker, Adam and Eve's perfection was
to be achieved by their own participation. The house does not have a
commandment to obey. The construction worker cannot experience the
quality of the the love relationship with his house that a parent can
with his children.
In the beginning, God gave the first man and woman a commandment which
they were to obey until they perfected themselves. The realization of
the Purpose of the Creation is possible only if man and woman accomplish
their responsibility, by obeying the commandment. The Purpose of the
Creation is not to be accomplished simply by concern and action on the
part of God. Although man's responsibility may seem infinitely small,
it is a principle of the Creation that man's responsibility is a
necessary element. Thus, in order to restore the lost Purpose of the
Creation, man's portion of responsibility is also absolutely essential--
it cannot be done by God's power and dispensation alone.
WJ> No doubt that you have been missled by someone in your life to do
WJ> something that you didn't think was wrong. Well,
WJ> thats how Eve messed up for all of us. She was missled by
WJ> Satan. Thats how we got to be imperfect.
Man has never been perfect. We didn't fall from perfection, we fell on
the way to perfection. You may want to think about the bond of love
that exists between God and a perfected person. This bond of love is so
strong that the person has in reality lost their freedom to sin. It is
somewhat like a person that is so in love with their spouse that it
would be impossible for another person to come along and tempt them to
enter into a relationship that would violate the marriage. This is the
same kind of bond man should have attained with God, but since it was
not the Bible points out that:
ROM 3:10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:
ROM 3:11 There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh
after God.
And you can find over 20 references in scripture that say fallen man is
whoring in his relationship to god.
EXO 34:15 Lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land,
and they go a whoring after their gods, and do sacrifice unto their
gods, and [one] call thee, and thou eat of his sacrifice;
All of this is strong evidence that man never attained the perfect love
of God. I have personally experienced the powerful true love of God,
and I'm sure you have too. If you think about living in this kind of
love all the time, what could a person living in this state possibly
want to do that would violate this relationship ?
I think it may be compared to giving someone a multi-million dollar home
and saying you can live here as long as you don't break out the windows.
Date 07-09-91 13:01:00
From Terry Blount
To B J
Subject CAIN
BJ> When Lucifer was cast out of heaven, wasn't he cast into the
BJ> earth? Since he was, and he was already here when Eve was
BJ> tempted, is it possible there was
BJ> a civilization here (sons & daughters of men), Isa 14:16
BJ> described satan as
BJ> "the man."
BJ> According to Isa 14:12 and Rev 12:7-9, he (the devil), was cast
BJ> into the earth
BJ> thus showing us the earth before Adam. Isn't this so?
First, you should consider using your real name.
Next, you are correct about Satan being cast out of heaven and thrown
down to earth. But consider the Biblical usages of the terms heaven
and earth:
In the Bible 'heaven' usually means the holy, exalted, and sinless realm
which is under the sovereignty of good, while 'earth', its opposite,
means the unholy, base, and sinful realm under the sovereignty of evil.
for example, when we say, "'... Our Father who art in heaven ...'" (Mt
6:9), we do not mean that God is located in the sky, but are referring
to the holy and exalted realm of God's existence. Thus to "meet the
Lord in the air" does not mean the physical elevation of Christians to
meet Christ in the sky, but rather refers to the development of their
inner spiritual qualities and their serving Christ in the world of good
sovereignty when he returns and establishes the Kingdom of Heaven on
Though Genesis 6:13 says that God intended to destroy the earth at
Noah's time, God did not actually do so. Elsewhere the Bible assures us
that the earth is eternal: "A generation goes, and a generation comes,
but the earth remains for ever" (Eccles 1:4) and "He built his sanctuary
like the high heavens, like the earth, which he has founded for ever"
(Ps 78:69). God would never have made any plan for the Garden of Eden,
the eternal Kingdom of Heaven on earth, if it could not be realized.
Since God's Kingdom is to be eternal, and the earth is the place where
he will establish his Kingdom, then the earth must also be eternal. By
all means God will fulfill the Purpose of the Creation on this earth.
Then what is the meaning of the Bible verses 2 Peter 3:12 and Isaiah
24:19, which refer to the destruction of the heavens and the earth? The
destruction of the heavens and the earth that are described in the Bible
mean the destruction of the satanic sovereignty that has controlled
heaven and earth since man's fall. The appearance of a new heaven and
earth means the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven, centered on the
Messiah, under the sovereignty of God.
Date 07-09-91 13:08:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Contradictions
WC> Peter Abelard have a number of historical references to draw
WC> upon for his beliefs. Abelard was doing nothing more than
WC> expressing the views of men down through history. We can trace
WC> the though of atone- ment as you have expressed it historically
WC> back to Tertullian who lived in the late 2nd and early 3rd
WC> centuries.
WC> This is not given in support any position. It is a
WC> historical trace that I have uncovered in the past few weeks.
Even if Abelard's ideas can be traced to Tertullian, we still haven't
connected these heresies to the Bible or especially to anything Jesus
Jesus didn't come to die, he came to do away with the work of the devil
but was met with hostility and was MURDERED before establishing the
promsed kingdom. So now we are waiting on the second coming to
completely liberate mankind and reunite us with our ture parent.
Date 07-09-91 15:51:00
From Terry Blount
To Les Wilcox
Subject ?
LW> Sorry if I have offended you. It just seems as if you are
LW> presenting your "ideas" as the only truth.
Don't you feel that way about your belief ?
LW> >Second, and most important of all, your problem with accepting
LW> the truth >about the fall of man is because your original mind
LW> understands that you >have to change.
LW> Not really. The problem I have with it is that you don't let
LW> the Bible back itself up.
Well you are not the first person that had a problem with failing to
understand new truth for lack of scriptural support. That's the main
reason the Jewish people rejected Jesus.
LW> My mind is open to whatever new light the Spirit chooses to show
LW> me. He has not brought
LW> any light to your opinion. Paul said to search the scriptures
LW> to see if what he says is truth, I have applied this rule to
LW> you.
All I can say is that I sorry you can't understand the message I have
been testifying to. That message is that Christ came to establish the
kingdom of heaven in a realistic way by becoming the first man to become
the head of a sinless family. This means that Adam and Eve fell before
their children were born because they did not abstain from indulgence in
sexual love before they were mature enough to be blessed in marriage by
God. It also means that the messiah must return in the flesh and
establish this sinless family on earth.
There is only one way you will understand this, that is to ask God if he
wants grand children. If you figure out that much, you will start to
see the big picture. Then I can explain more about the necessary
conditions that must be met before the restoration of mankind can be
I really wish your mind was open to a new light.
Date 07-09-91 21:41:00
From Terry Blount
To Gil Wilkes
Subject Sexual Purification
GW> other things, that Adventists are dairy vegitarians and they
GW> don't seem to like to do anything but lounge around their hotels
GW> on Saturdays; and they like LOTS of extra
GW> towels (what did they do with all of our towels?). peace/gvw
Probably took them home at the rates you charged ! < grin >
Date 07-09-91 21:44:00
From Terry Blount
To Gil Wilkes
Subject The Two Witnesses
GW> Have you tried the Washington Times? -Somehow, i don't think
GW> Rick is gatheringhis information from the evening news - most of
Do you know who founded the Washington Times ?
Date 07-10-91 08:02:00
From Terry Blount
To Les Wilcox
Subject ?
LW> Do you have a scriptural reference to prove that he returned
LW> "spiritually" in 1914? Especially after I showed you in the NWT
LW> that he was raised bodily.
It was 1936, Easter Sunday. He appeared to a young korean man who was
praying on a hillside. And there he gave Rev. Sun Myung Moon a mission
and started a series of revelations that became known as the divine
principle. You should find out what Jesus had to say after all your
eternal future is on the line.
Date 07-10-91 07:55:00
From Terry Blount
To Les Wilcox
Subject what?
LW> >Then explain why there are millions of Jews who faithfully
LW> >read the Old Testament and cannot see the continuity that you
LW> see.
LW> Terry
LW> Why don't you ask this question to one of the several Jews
LW> present here?
The real question is why can't you see the continuity between my ideas
and the Bible. You'll have to answer that one. Just like the people of
Jesish persuasion will have to explain why they don't accept the New
Date 07-10-91 15:50:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Mary Sinless?
MS> TB> So you pick and chose what scripture is literal and what is
MS> symbolic. TB> That's really the only difference between us.
MS> No, I look at the passages around a verse and try to see what is
MS> being said,
MS> and see if the verses around it suggest literal vrs symbolic
MS> interpretation.
MS> There is nothing around the account of the Fall to suggest
MS> symbolism.
HOLY MOSES ! talking snakes, trees with fire in front of them, fruit
that poisoned one's descendants ? I don't think we are talking about
the same subject !
TB> Do you think the stars will literally fall to
MS> earth ? TB> MAR 13:25 And the stars of heaven shall fall, and
MS> the powers that are
MS> TB> in heaven shall be shaken.
MS> Yes. Meterorites are possible, as would be man-made objects
MS> that are in space, which appear like stars from the ground.
See ! See ! There you go interpreting that the stars are symbolic for
meteorites. Where did you get the understanding that stars were
symbolic for meteorites ? You should notice that the Sun, Moon and
stars in Joseph's dream were the Father, Mother and the Children. The
stars that fall to earth in the last days are christian ( who are in the
position to children of Christ ) that reject and persecute the Lord of
the Second Advent. Remember who else fell to earth ?
MS> TB> Are we literal sheep ? baaaaa baaaa
MS> TB> JOH 10:14 I am the good shepherd, and know my [sheep],
MS> and am known of
MS> TB> mine.
MS> Yes. We are as much like sheep to our Creator as sheep are to
You mean you are a sheep. Do you have any wool ? Once again you are
picking and choosing what you want to take as literal and what you want
to take as symbolic. We are not that different.
MS> Fall is. TB> Did Jesus really do this ?
MS> TB> ISA 11:4 But with righteousness shall he judge the poor,
MS> and reprove
MS> TB> with equity for the meek of the earth: and he
MS> shall smite TB> the earth with the rod of his
MS> mouth, and with the breath of
MS> TB> his lips shall he slay the wicked.
MS> He hasn't yet, but He will at His return. Check out Revelation
This was not a prophecy about a second coming of Christ. What lead you
to interpret this prophecy about Christ's first coming and apply it to a
second coming. In fact there is no reference to Christ coming twice
until Jesus was met with hostility and rejection, AND faithlessness.
MS> 19:12-16: His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head
MS> are many crowns. He
MS> has a name written on him that no one knows but he
MS> himself.
This doesn't sound like Jesus is coming back himself, since we all know
Jesus name it must be someone else.
Date 07-10-91 16:03:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Parents Of Jesus
WC> had no possible way of knowing about it. And even had he know
WC> that the Holy Spirit had overshadowed Mary and she had conceived
LUK 1:35 And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost
shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall
overshadow thee:
I think it says that the power of the Highest shall overshadow her.
That was Zechariah.
Date 07-10-91 16:07:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Power and Authority part
WC> There could well have been sinless children born had there
WC> been sufficient time between the creation of Eve and the Fall.
WC> However, we do know that there was no children born in the
WC> Garden. The implication is that the fall occurred before
WC> conception occurred.
Why would God want Cain and Abel to make an offering if it were not some
kind of condition to begin a covenant and start man's restoration. If
my children were lost I would try immediately to do something to save
them. Also any sinless children would qualify to be the messiah of
the others. Sinless children could have multiplied and given God grand
children and a sinless race of people. Where are they ?
The implication is that the fall occurred prior to Adam and Eve
receiving God's blessing of marriage. Had they been married their
children would have belonged to God and Jesus would have not said:
JOH 8:41 Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be
not born of fornication; we have one Father, [even] God.
JOH 8:42 Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love
me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I
of myself, but he sent me.
JOH 8:44 Ye are of [your] father the devil, and the lusts of your
father ye will do.
Date 07-10-91 16:20:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Power and Authority part
WC> That's just it, Terry. I am on the winning team. The Bible
WC> says so.
Humm, It clearly says that Terry Blount is on the winning team. Does
that mean that you are on the losing team ?
Date 07-10-91 16:21:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Power and Authority part
WC> so. I have experienced miracles of God first hand. I have
WC> watched as Pentecost visited many people exactly as in the Book
WC> of Acts. I have witnessed many miracles involving other people.
But I have found God. You are still like a hunter tracking a rabbit in
the snow. All you have found are signs.
WC> All these things occurred as the Book said. I have had my own
WC> personal encounter with the experience of Pentecost. It was like
WC> that described in the Book of Acts. If you expect me to dump
WC> what I have you will certainly have to demonstrate that you have
WC> been given the power and authority to sup- plant written
WC> Scripture.
You don't have to dump any of your experiences. You just need to expand
your mind so that you can see the big picture and put everything in
proper perspective.
WC> We are still waiting.
Yes and the Jews are still waiting on the first coming of Christ. I'm
one of the few and the proud that knows about both the first and second
LUK 19:42 Saying, If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy
day, the things [which belong] unto thy peace! but now they
are hid from thine eyes.
Date 07-10-91 16:32:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Power and Authority part
WC> Jacob did not restore the birthright of anyone. He took the
WC> family birthright which legally and rightfully belonged to the
WC> eldest son through deceit and cunning. The word Jacob means
WC> deceiver. He had a bad attitude.
this doesn't seem to fit scripture:
ROM 9:13 As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.
Date 07-10-91 16:40:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Power and Authority part
WC> Given that John's ministry only lasted about 6 months and he
WC> was thrown into prison shortly after the baptism of Jesus I do
WC> not believe that John was ever a hindrance in any way at all. He
WC> even stated publicly that Jesus was greater than he. He even
WC> stated that he was not worthy to unloose the shoes form His
WC> feet. No, John was never a hindrance to the ministry of Jesus.
WC> He did not live long enough to be a hindrance of an aid. The
WC> ministry of Jesus lasted three years. That of John 6 months.
WC> Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness. That leaves at most only
WC> 5 months assuming John baptize Jesus during the first month of
WC> his ministry. However, we do know that John was already widely
WC> known and considered a prophet when Jesus came on the scene.
What is the motivating force behind John's death ?
Was John on a mission give to him by Jesus, or was he doing his own
thing ?
Can you remeber any other people that suffered and died when they lost
faith ?
Date 07-10-91 16:45:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Power and Authority part
WC> By what power and authority should I believe Moon. God
WC> worked many great signs and wonders by the hand of Moses, Jesus,
WC> and the apostles which demonstrated their power and authority.
WC> Where are the signs and wonders to demonstrate the power and
WC> authority.
What kind of sigh do you want to see ?
Date 07-10-91 16:46:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Power and Authority part
WC> I do not take lightly extra-biblical revelation and in
I do believe you. In fact, I'm about to write a program to search and
replace 'extra-biblical' with 'new revelation' or 'higher truth' in the
rest of your messages. Again if you want to hear what you already know
then you are making a mistake reading my messages. I'm not here to
waste my time, or yours, and just repeat the same ideas you are so
confortable with. New wine must be put into fresh wineskins.
WC> particular anything that contradicts Scripture. If you are going
WC> to embrace the Rev. Moon's doctrine you better be sure you can
WC> verify it. Most of what you say is certainly extra-biblical.
I think you could get by with saying ALL of what I say is a new
WC> A reasonable question would be was Rev. Moon aware of the above
WC> passages? A vision is a very weak thing to accept when it
WC> contradicts Scripture so blatantly. There is also the Scripture
WC> which tells us that Satan appears as an angel of
Well one thing that comes to mind when this argument is repeated is what
Jesus said:
MAR 3:24 And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom
cannot stand.
MAR 3:25 And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot
MAR 3:26 And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he
cannot stand, but hath an end.
Date 07-10-91 16:53:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Power and Authority part
WC> You tell me that, Terry, but the Bible says that Jesus
WC> Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. It also gives
WC> a number of test for anything that contradicts Scripture. What
WC> proof are you able to offer that will demonstrate that you are
WC> correct? A vision that anoth- er man had is totally insufficient
WC> according to Scripture.
What kind of proof would satisfy you ?
Date 07-10-91 16:56:00
From Terry Blount
To Jim Taylor
Subject Virgin Or Fornicaicat
JT> and bears serious consideration! I have always pictured the
JT> triumphant return
JT> of Mashiach (Christ) as it is pictured in Zechariah, as an
JT> utterly triumphant, totally
JT> irresistable invasion of the earth by the armies of Heaven. The
JT> thought
Yes, that is certianly what every believe hopes for, but consider what
Jesus said about the second coming:
LUK 18:8 I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless
when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?
LUK 17:22 And he said unto the disciples, The days will come, when ye
shall desire to see one of the days of the Son of man, and
ye shall not see [it].
LUK 17:23 And they shall say to you, See here; or, see there: go not
after [them], nor follow [them].
LUK 17:24 For as the lightning, that lighteneth out of the one [part]
under heaven, shineth unto the other [part] under heaven; so
shall also the Son of man be in his day.
LUK 17:25 But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of
this generation.
Date 07-11-91 07:55:00
From Terry Blount
To Bob Eastman
Subject Jahovah's Witnesses
BE> You need to go back and rethink your position Terry. What
BE> Jesus is saying in Luke 17:20 is that it is fruitless to try
BE> to observe the time of his coming. That is, it will be
BE> impossible to foretell when He will come. In the prophacies
BE> concerning Christ's second advent, it is made very clear
BE> that the whole world will be witness to the event. It will
BE> be quite a show when Jesus returns.
Jesus said: 'Will Christ find faith at the second coming ?" If there
is such a spectacular show then it will be on the 6:00 news, and surely
there will be no faithless people. Don't you believe the space shuttle
has gone into outer space and returned ? You have seen it land on tv.
How could the messiah come back like this and then find someone without
faith ?
Date 07-11-91 07:59:00
From Terry Blount
To Ralph Stokes
Subject The Watchtower, In An Ap
RS> I agree. So don't OFFER it then demand a "donation" for it. Tell
RS> them up front...this magazine is FOR SALE.
Well, I haven't been approached by someone trying to get a donation for
their literature but I can see that any kind of education, whether it be
orthodoxy or heresy is expensive. In fact I should be asking you up
front for some money for every message you read that I have written.
Can we negotiate a price ? Should I charge by the length, or quality,
or time it took me to compose it ? I do know one thing, if you are
paying for something you take better care of it. That means if you buy
a book you are more likely to see what's in it for you than if someone
left it on your doorstep.
Date 07-11-91 12:22:00
From Terry Blount
To Paul Lenzmeier @ 960/1
Subject Jahovah's Witnesses
PL> When one tells on what will happen in the future, I interpret
PL> that as a prediction. When they claim to have spoken in the name
PL> of the Lord, I call it a prophecy. Remember, The Watchtower
PL> claims they are God's sole mouthpiece. If this is true, how
PL> could they have been wrong on so many accounts? Could your God
PL> make a mistake? Could the man you follow?
You should examine your own faith and find out what everyone does with
prophecies that are not fulfilled... they spiritualize them. For
example, the Bible claims that Christ was coming to be King of Kings and
establish the Kingdom of Heaven. When he came and got Murdered instead,
your faith probably did like most and said that the establishment of
some kind of spiritual kingdom was the purpose of his mission.
Another thing you may not realize that every prophecy carries with it a
dual prophecy. For example the prophecy that Sodom would be destroyed if
the people did not repent was fulfilled in the destruction of Sodom,
whereas the same prophecy about Nineveh was fulfilled by sparing the
city from destruction.
If Adam and Eve ate the fruit they would die also implies if they did
not eat they would live.
I think when we evaluate someone's prophecy we should do it like we are
reading an insurance contract and pay close attention to the fine print
and all the conditions that come after the 'except in the case of'
Date 07-11-91 12:31:00
From Terry Blount
To Paul Lenzmeier @ 960/1
Subject Jehovah's Witnesses
PL> If there is anything I can do in addition to praying for you,
PL> please let me know. Your Brother in Christ, Paul.
Yes, send your donations to Rev. Sun Myung Moon, 4 W. 43 rd Streen,
Ny. Ny, 10036
Date 07-11-91 20:28:00
From Terry Blount
To Les Wilcox
Subject what?
LW> >The real question is why can't you see the continuity between
LW> >my ideas and the Bible. You'll have to answer that one.
LW> >Just like the people of Jesish persuasion will have to explain
LW> >why they don't accept the New Testament.
LW> Terry
LW> Why can't I see the continuity?
LW> 1 Tim.6:3-5
LW> "If anyone advocates a different doctrine, and does not
LW> agree with sound words, those of our Lord Jesus Christ,
LW> and with the doctrine conforming to godliness, he is
The revelation revealed by Rev Sun Myung Moon is sound words and does
conform to godliness. However I do understand that you do not yet
understand his revelation. Most people unfortunately form their opinion
from second hand information.
LW> Now, all you have to do is show where Jesus taught YOUR
LW> interpretation of the scriptures.
You still don't understand the meaning of this scripture:
MAR 1:27 And they were all amazed, insomuch that they questioned
among themselves, saying, What thing is this? what new
doctrine [is] this?
ACS 17:19 And they took him, and brought him unto Areopagus, saying,
May we know what this new doctrine, whereof thou speakest,
I truthfully don't see any difference at all between your reaction and
that of those who were hearing Jesus' message for the first time.
You have reacted just like these people who questioned Jesus' message on
the basis that it was new. Jesus brought new truth. The object of
God's heart is not the people of ancient Biblical history, it is the
people who are living today. God is working here and now to elevate
man's spiritual level and man's understanding by giving us new truth.
I find it very confusing that so many people pray for and believe that
God will take action again like He did when He sent His son, but when
God does act, the vast majority of people reject His efforts to help.
"New wine must be put into fresh wineskins. The time will come when I
will tell you plainly of the father."
The time is now. God wants to be a Grand Father and the messiah must
return in the flesh and build a God centered family, bringing sinless
children into the world. This is the mission that Adam was given and
failed to fulfill. This is also the mission Jesus came to fulfill but
was denied the opportunity because of the hostility and faithlessness he
was confronted with. This is also the mission that Rev. Moon is trying
to accomplish, even though the very people God blessed and prepared to
support him do not know the time of their visitation.
I'm sorry to say that if the messiah does come in your own lifetime and
you do not recognize him for whatever great reason you may have, you
will live in eternal deep regret. You should at least make a serious
condition and even fast for a few days and demand that God make things
clear to you. It is not only you that will live with the consequences
of your mistake, but all your descendants as well. They will remember
you just as we remember those who were living at the time Jesus was on
Date 07-11-91 23:08:00
From Terry Blount
To Ron Powers
Subject Jesus' Resurrection
RP> walked through wall or materialized a body. The simple fact is,
RP> God is not limited to the physical laws like we are. If Jesus
RP> wanted to be inside a locked room, then He would be inside the
RP> locked room.
How did the nails hold him on the cross ?
Date 07-11-91 23:11:00
From Terry Blount
To Ron Powers
Subject The Watchtower, In Apprec
RP> I have had many Witnesses ask me for donations for the
RP> "Watchtower" and "Awake" magazines. They said that the donation
RP> was just to cover the cost of printing. One time I asked the
RP> Witness how much he thought it cost to print a copy of the
RP> "Watchtower". He said a quarter (the amount of the donation).
RP> That issue had 14 million copies, which would come out to 3.5
RP> million dollars for the printing of that one issue.
Did you give the quarter ? I would guess that they made slightly less
than 3.5 million on that issue. < grin >
Date 07-12-91 10:36:00
From Terry Blount
To Carla Rygula
CR> Terry, as I said before, we cannot look at 1 or 2 verses and
CR> draw conclusions
CR> from this. We have to look at what the ENTIRE Bible says on the
CR> subject. The dead are conscious of nothing. Satan transforms
CR> himself into an angel of light (in hopes
CR> of tricking people).
All religious movements begin with someone having a spiritual
experience. Where did your founder get his revelation ? If you
believe what you are saying then you have to assume that an angel of
light started your movement and has tricked you. I have read numbers of
messages to you that seem to indicate that a lot of people believe this
is exactly what happened.
However I disagree. I believe Mr. Russel had a some kind of experience
with genuine repesentatives from heaven. And so did Joseph Smith and a
lot of other folks. However I think their experience is not clearly
understood or conveyed to their followers. Makes me wonder how clearly
I understand the message Jesus Christ gave to Rev. Moon.
Date 07-12-91 10:45:00
From Terry Blount
To Carla Rygula
CR> of tricking people). There is NO place of torment. How clear can
CR> the Scriptures get??
Well I don't believe in eternal damnation because I have experienced
the love of God and I know first hand that God isn't going to leave any
of his children in eternal bondage. I believe that God's love is
stronger than Satan's ability to keep man in his dominion forever.
However, in responding to your question about the clarity of scripture,
you must realize by now that your ability to see so clearly ( and right
through things ) is not shared by everyone. I have reported to you
numerous scriptures of the deceased encountering living people. How
many references to this unconscious state have you come up with ?
You should pick the book "Life in the World Unseen" and " More about
Life in the World Unseen" by Anthony Borgia.
I would have to conclude that as a result of you witnessing to me about
you faith that you believe demons have more power than good spirits, (it
seems that good spirits can't do much) and at the same time evil spirits
are sleeping because God doesn't want to punish them. Haven't you ever
wondered how evil sleeping spirits can do their evil deceptive work ?
I don't believe God is out to punish anyone, however that does not
exclude a person from suffering the CONSEQUENCES of violating heavenly
Date 07-12-91 14:43:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Parents Of Jesus
MS> Zecharias (you still can't seem to read and get his name right;
MS> Zecharias was a priest, but not the high priest. Zechariah was
MS> a prophet in Old Testamenttimes who had
MS> been dead for several hundred years by the time Mary was born.)
MS> Terry, it is exactly this way in that you rape and warp Scripture
MS> that causes us to know that what you are trying to push is false.
Just forget it then. You don't want to learn anything. You are
convinced that I'm just writing messages to try to trick someone. You
don't know my heart at all. You will never learn unless you figure out
what Jesus meant about becoming as a child.
Date 07-13-91 08:19:00
From Terry Blount
To Carla Rygula
Subject Jesus
CR> With this kind of logic, I suppose you believe that king
CR> Nebuchadnezzar was Jesus Christ, because both were called `King
CR> of Kings.' Or maybe that Jesus' disciples were actually Jesus
CR> because they were called `light of the world.' ??
CR> And about Jesus being the `Almighty"? Nowhere in the Bible is
CR> Jesus quoted as being the Almighty. Go figure..
Looks like you are getting tougher. You are looking like a seasoned
pro in this conference. I didn't think you would last this long. Good
for YOU !
Date 07-13-91 16:25:00
From Terry Blount
To Phil Reynolds
Subject Anabaptists
PR> I wish it was that funny, though. It think it is tragic that
PR> believers get so proud of their doctrine that they alienate
PR> themselves from other believers.
I could not agree more, but what can be done to unite people of all
faiths ? It appears to me that the body of christ is in sad shape. I
don't see enough harmony and unity to deal with even the simplest of
problems. What kind of situation will Jesus find when he does return ?
Date 07-13-91 16:29:00
From Terry Blount
To B J
Subject CAIN
BJ> TB> First, you should consider using your real name.
BJ> In regard to my real name, those are my real initials belonging
BJ> to my real
BJ> name. If by real name you mean full name, I find the use of my
BJ> full name at
BJ> times to hinder my discussions within the echo, I hope you do
BJ> not find this
BJ> offensive. It was not intended so.
I understand. However I do not allow my users to use alias names and I
don't think I can make an allowance for you. My understanding is that
no alias names are allowed on Fidonet at all. Sorry but I'm going to
have to include your initials in my insulate.dat file and lock you out
until you abide by the rules and use your real name. I do regret my
users will not have the opportunity to have dialogue with you.
Date 07-13-91 16:34:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Power and Authority
WC> If your children were lost (spiritually) you would be
WC> totally incapable of saving them. It is impossible for you to do
WC> anything to earn their salvation.That was accomplished by the
WC> finished work of Jesus. At best you can only teach
WC> them what the Scripture has to say and a love and respect for
WC> God and His holiness. Anything else is a waste of effort because
WC> it cannot save them.
First, I was talking about what I would do if I were God and I lost my
children. You don't seem to understand that man fell because of his
failure to fulfill his portion or responsibility in obedience to the
commandment. Since man made the mistake, man must also participate in
keeping his end of the covenant and fulfilling his portion of
responsibility. If salvation were simply up to God we would have to
assume He does not want man to be saved or He would have done the saving
right after the fall. ...or He really doesn't love us that much.
Date 07-13-91 16:42:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Power and Authority
WC> TB>What kind of sigh do you want to see ?
WC> How about making the sun move backwards 15 degrees. Or maybe
WC> walking on water like across Lake Pontchartrain. Calm a
WC> hurricane. There are any number of small things like that which
WC> would be accept-able. I did not include
WC> the raising of the dead because that still happens. Maybe turn the
WC> Mississippi River into blood for three days.
You still wouldn't believe. Think of all the miracles Jesus did and the
people still MURDERED him. Moses worked more miracles that did Jesus
but that did not make Moses the Christ.
No, you better seek truth and understanding through prayer and communion
with God, rather than looking for someone who can make an elephant
disappear or do some other kind of amusing tricks.
Date 07-13-91 16:47:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Power and Authority
WC> I see healings and other miracles which authenticate the
WC> preached word. There has been
WC> no evidence forthcoming to authenticate your claims. Nor is
WC> there going to be and we both know it.
You seem to think the mission of the messiah is to turn water to wine
and do other amusing things, but that is not what the Messiah comes to
Look at Jesus' frustration when his mother wanted him to make a small
JOH 2:3 And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto
him, They have no wine.
JOH 2:4 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee?
You must know that miracles do not come free. They come at a cost of
spiritual merit:
MAR 5:30 And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had
gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said,
Who touched my clothes?
Knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him. Think about it
Walter. Try for once to understand something I am sharing with you.
Date 07-13-91 16:56:00
From Terry Blount
To Dave Kenady
Subject The "fruit" Of The Tree
DK> felt shame. I'm not sure it was even because of their physical
DK> nakedness or
DK> because of just the feeling of shame and did the only thing they
DK> could think
DK> to do -- cover themselves physically.
Why their nakedness ? In God's words: "Who told you that you were
naked ?"
Date 07-13-91 20:38:00
From Terry Blount
To Thomas Bentley
Subject Images (Definition)
TB> Should we venerate "saints" as intercessors with God, perhaps
TB> using images of them as aids in our worship?
TB> Do worshipers have in mind primarily the person represented by
TB> an image, or are some images viewed as being superior to others?
Well I'm sure any dialogue between us will be interesting since we both
have the same initials. We should be writing a lot of message saying
"I didn't say that " < grin >
Anyway, it appears to me that you probably don't have the little statue
of Jesus hanging from your rear view mirror ? How do you feel about
other symbols like those used at the eucharist ?
How does something like this grab you:
NUM 21:8 And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and
set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every
one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.
NUM 21:9 And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole,
and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man,
when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived.
Seems an Idol saved a few folks at least one time ?
By the way, I'm not suggesting the worship of idols, I just wanted you
to think.
Date 07-13-91 20:47:00
From Terry Blount
To Pedro Vega
Subject Mary
PV> Why should I go to anyone alive to ask for intercessory
PV> prayer? If I can pray for you, for your needs, what gives me
PV> that right? Yes, Jesus is the One Mediator (according to
PV> Oneness, to Himself <wicked grin>) but, aren't we members
PV> of the Body of Christ? Don't we share in His Divine Life, in
PV> His Grace, in His Power over the world? So how come we don't
PV> share in His Mediation? And if so, why not the dead? They are
PV> alive to the Lord, since God is the God of live people,
PV> not of deads. Aren't the brethren in heaven as much a part of
PV> the Church as we are? Why should they be disqualified because
PV> of the accidents of their deaths?
Even though I am not 'into' this, I have to say you gave a very good
answer. It did bring this to mind:
JAM 5:14 Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the
church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil
in the name of the Lord:
Date 07-14-91 09:48:00
From Terry Blount
To Justin Bramblet
Subject trinity...???
JB> God, then Jesus must be Jehovah. There is no other way to make
JB> the Bible fit together. Jesus is God,
But Justin, if Jesus is God then these verses don't fit together:
MAR 13:32 But of that day and [that] hour knoweth no man, no, not
the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the
If Jesus is God, shouldn't he know everything that God knows ?
JOH 4:24 God [is] a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship
[him] in spirit and in truth.
Jesus was both flesh and spirit so he doesn't fit as God here either.
JOH 8:54 Jesus answered, If I honour myself, my honour is nothing:
it is my Father that honoureth me; of whom ye say, that he
is your God:
Here Jesus said that God was someone else the people should honor, he
called that other 'someone' his father.
1TI 2:5 For [there is] one God, and one mediator between God and
men, the man Christ Jesus;
A mediator goes in between. If either of us had a disagreement, then
the mediator would be a 3 rd party.
COL 3:1 If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which
are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.
Talking about 'fitting', here you would have God sitting at His own
right hand ?
JOH 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I
say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what
he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth,
these also doeth the Son likewise.
So now Jesus can't do whatever he wants, only what God shows him to do.
1JO 4:14 And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the
Son [to be] the Saviour of the world.
Now God sent God ? We must be dealing with separate identities.
How many gods are there ?
2JO 1:9 Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine
of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine
of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.
See, the word 'both' ? What does this indicate ? How many gods are
there ?
GEN 1:27 So God created man in his [own] image, in the image of God
created he him; male and female created he them.
God's image is male and female. At most Jesus could be only %50 God
since he wasn't a woman.
2CO 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of
them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious
gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine
unto them.
Clearly this indicates Jesus is in the image of God. If this makes
Jesus God then Mount Rushmore is 4 presidents. < grin > ...thats one up
on the trinity.
Date 07-14-91 19:33:00
From Terry Blount
To Carla Rygula
Subject Jahovah's Witnesses
CR> Yes men can make mistakes. Jesus' own apostles at times, had
CR> wrong expectations.Did'nt they make the mistake of thinking that
^ didn't
CR> Jesus was going to set up His kingdom in their day?
They were correct to expect the Kingdom to come at their time. There is
no predictions of two comings in the Old Testament. Something went
wrong and the fulfillment of God's will was prolonged just as it had
been on several other occasions, like when Adam and Eve disobeyed.
Jesus came to bring the Kingdom of heaven just as he AND John had
MAT 3:2 And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
MAT 4:17 From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent:
for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
MAT 10:7 And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at
MAR 1:15 And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is
at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.
There was no mention or reference to a 2,000 year delay. The
faithlessness of the people who God had prepared to receive Jesus lead
to Satan's invasion and then Jesus' death. So without the Marriage of
the Lamb, there could be no sinless children and no kingdom would come.
God's providence for restoration was frustrated and Jesus sacrifice made
a foundation for the messiah to come again.
Date 07-14-91 19:43:00
From Terry Blount
To Gil Wilkes
Subject Jehovah's Witnesses
GW> TB> Yes, send your donations to Rev. Sun Myung Moon, 4 W. 43 rd
GW> Streen, TB> Ny. Ny, 10036
GW> i see you've not throttled down your wonderful sense of humor.
Too bad only so few can recognize a little humour. It seems that
understanding humour in this conference is as rare as understanding
truth. < grin >
GW> Would you please consider accepting Christ as revealed by the
GW> Church and becoming baptisedand confirmed as a Roman Catholic?
I'll get back to you on that...
GW> You wouldn't get any less that persecution
GW> you seem to enjoy as a follower of Rev Moon, i promise you.
Don't believe that I'm really as proud of being persecuted as it may
appear. I don't think I have made an issue of the glory of being taken
as a mindless idiot. I really didn't wake up one morning and think
'maybe I'll find a cult to join today and spend the rest of my life
being laughed at and misunderstood.' If God would have left me alone,
I most likely would have left Him alone.
GW> We really
GW> need a few people like you, that is, with your sense of humor;
GW> so send us your resume, and we'll get back with you <grin>
What a coincidence ! We are taking resumes' TOO !
Date 07-14-91 20:03:00
From Terry Blount
To Carla Rygula
CR> > However I disagree. I believe Mr. Russel had a some kind of
CR> > experience with genuine repesentatives from heaven. And so
CR> > did Joseph Smith and a lot of other folks.
CR> If you were to believe this, then what your really trying to say
CR> is that there is more than one true `Faith.' And we know that
CR> this cannot be possible.
Your problem is that your vision is too narrow. Truth is big enough
that many people can share a slice of the pie. We all must recognize
that we have our own point of view, and no religious movement in history
has yet had the whole truth in a jug with the stopper in their hand.
You are using a computer and reading messages that were made possible
from people who are experts in many fields. Some of them know how to
make the electricity, some of them know how to provide the phone service
that transmits this message, some of them know how to build different
components of your system like the memory and processor chips, the
monitor and keyboard, some of them know how to write the software etc.
Do you think all this was accomplished by people with attitudes that
they knew everything and had the monopoly to all truth ? Do you think
the field of religion is smaller or larger than the technology and
knowledge that was required to get this message from my head to yours ?
How can you even begin to think you know so much ? The first sign of
knowledge is humility. Something that indicates both of us are stupid
as hell.
Date 07-14-91 20:18:00
From Terry Blount
To Carla Rygula
CR> > I would have to conclude that as a result of you witnessing
CR> > to me about you faith that you believe demons have more
CR> > power than good spirits,
CR> How in the world did you conclude this? Of course demons DO NOT
CR> have more power than the angels!
You told me that any revelation I may have had was the work of a demon.
That demons testify to Christ to fool people. Want me to dig up the
message ? Never mind, I will do it anyway:
Date 07- 2-91 10:38:11
From Carla Rygula
To Terry Blount
Subject Re: messages
> with folks in
> the spiritual world ? I remember you just fluffing this
> off by saying
> that they we could only experience visiting demons. I
> find it strange
> that demons would want to help people and testify to Jesus.
I don't find it strange at all. Because Satan wants to help
further the lie
that the dead are NOT unconscious, when the Bible tells us they
ARE unconscious.
Who would I believe? The Bible of course
Yes I do just `fluff' this off. And so should all others who believes
God's words over Satans actions.
======================== End July 2 nd message =================
What have you ever told us about the work of good angels ?
You called the work of Angels testifying to Christ 'words of Satan's
CR> > I don't believe God is out to punish anyone, however that
CR> > does not exclude a person from suffering the CONSEQUENCES
CR> > of violating heavenly law.
CR> And they WILL suffer the consequences, only not in some fiery
CR> torment. But to die and NOT gain eternal life, is enough
CR> punishment for anyone !
Yes but if your loved ones were not to gain eternal life, don't you
think you would suffer too ? How can you 'whoop' it up at the old
Kingdom Hall while those you love are missing ? Kinda sounds like the
I tell you here, now, and today, that you cannot go to God alone. He
will only send you out to resurrect and bring home your brothers and
sisters, living or dead ! There is simply NO such thing as INDIVIDUAL
SALVATION. When you discover the heart of our original parent, God,
that's the first thing you will learn.
Date 07-15-91 12:17:00
From Terry Blount
To Chris Boerma
Subject Death ..
CB> 1) A person dies.
CB> 2) While died, he or she experiences nothing, hears nothing,
CB> sees nothing, thinks nothing.
CB> 3) On Judgement day, the died are raised.
CB> 4) Now the soul are sent heaven or hell
No just sleeping.
CB> 5) Once in their respective places the souls can see, hear,
CB> feel, and think.
No only those who believed their doctrine.
I'm not a Jw but I think they are strong optimist. They believe the
worst that can happen is to anyone is a comatose state of unwariness.
You know like the early 60's song that said when your are good you go to
live with God but if you are bad, when you are dead you are dead.
Date 07-15-91 19:39:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Parents Of Jesus
MS> Wrong, Terry. I love to learn. And as soon as you start
MS> getting you facts straight, and quit trying to pass on
MS> out-and-out lies, maybe you will be able to learn a thing or
MS> two.
You should re-read your words. You say you want to learn then say I am
passing out lies. With that is the kind of attitude how can you
possibly learn. What if you went to school to learn to become an auto
mechanic and took the attitude your teacher was passing out lies ? I
surely wouldn't want you to work on my automobile.
Well you probably don't know that I was taught all the ideas that you
are preaching when I was growing up. When I turned 25 ( 15 yrs ago ), I
started having spiritual experiences and was lead to understand things
that go far beyond the understand I had when I was on your level.
Your attitude must like a child if you want to understand what God is
currently doing. You have demonstrated something a child would never
do... label something you can't understand as a lie.
Sorry, you are stuck till you change your attitude.
Date 07-15-91 19:50:00
From Terry Blount
To Ed Witek
Subject resurrection
EW> TB> How did the nails hold him on the cross ?
EW> The same way the fish stayed in his stomach when he ate with the
EW> disciples
EW> after the resurrection after having passed through a wall.
EW> What he wills, happens! Laws of Physics do not effect him if he
EW> doesn't want them to. He came to die on the cross and he did.
What an imagination ! How did anyone ever convince you to believe such
a thing ? Do you want to buy some low-level land in Florida ? < grin >
Date 07-16-91 09:56:00
From Terry Blount
To Harlow Campbell
Subject Good Vs Evil
HC> Were we you have a good God, it would be a dull existence. Only
HC> an evil creator
HC> can give us an existence that is not so dull and boring as to be
HC> trivial.
Sounds like another person who likes to eat something rotten and awful
tasting in order to enjoy his steak.
Date 07-16-91 09:58:00
From Terry Blount
To Thomas Bentley
TB> action against them. So the evidence indicates that the Son of
TB> God was known as Michael
TB> before he came to earth and is known also by that name since his
TB> return to heaven where he resides as the glorifed spirit Son of
TB> God.
Why do religious folk always want to lump all good thing together ? You
know, like they do with the trinity... making God Jesus and the Holy
Spirit one thing... and now the same folk who so strongly oppose this
type of reasoning start doing it themselves by lumping Jesus with an
unfallen angel and calling them 'one'.
Date 07-16-91 10:15:00
From Terry Blount
To Phil Morrison
Subject Washington Times
PM> Terry, your post interested me, as I am ignorant about who
PM> started this newspaper, and what is the Barney Frank thing?
Rev. Sun Myung found the Washington Times Newspaper and supported it
for the past 8 or so years.
Date 07-17-91 09:10:00
From Terry Blount
To Les Wilcox
Subject Parents Of Jesue
LW> your teaching are backed up. Sorry! I just happen to believe
LW> that the Author of this text book knows ALOT more about it then
LW> you ever will.`
Why are you trying to compare me to God ? I never claimed to know more
than God, only more than you ! < grin > It seems to be you that
doesn't know the carburetor from the battery. Listen to your teacher.
Date 07-17-91 09:14:00
From Terry Blount
To Carla Rygula
CR> Speak for yourself. I don't know what your talking about. I
CR> would'nt know a thing if it were'nt for Jehovah's organization.
CR> They provide the entire organiztion with the same knowledge,
CR> through the Holy Scriptures, of course. Something, that
CR> all other Faiths refuse to do.
Who is intrepreting these Scriptures ? How did they get to know more
than my minister and the elders in my church ?
Date 07-17-91 09:17:00
From Terry Blount
To Carla Rygula
CR> False Religions are the work of Satan and his demons. What did
CR> Jesus tell the Religious leaders of His day, (even though they
CR> studied the old Testament)?
CR> John 8:44:
CR> "You are from your father the Devil, and you wish to
CR> do the desires of your father.
Because ALL fallen people are born of fornication. Jesus did not limit
his words to discredit a particular faith. Back up 3 verses and look at
JOH 8:41 Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him,
We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, [even] God.
Jesus did not agree with them because he knew Adam and Eve were never
blessed in marriage by God, they had no sinless children. Jesus did not
find the faith and support to get married, he had no sinless children.
We are still waiting on the Second coming of Christ and the Marriage
Supper of the Lamb. Eventually God will establish HIS family on earth
and the blood lineage of those children will not be connected to the
fall or to SATAN !
CR> He told them they were from Satan. Can you imagine how surprised
CR> they were?
Yes, I have been telling you the same thing and you can't grasp the
significance of the Marriage of the Lamb either. You were just as
surprised when I told you that God's goal is to establish a true family
through Christ and his physical bride and bring sinless Grand Children
into the world. Nothing has changed in 2,000 years. People still
don't understand the goal God gave to his children in Gen 1:28. The
mission of Christ is to become the true father, true husband, and parent
sinless children. This will destroy the work of the devil. When Christ
starts fathering sinless children who grow up to be messiah's themselves
what will happen to the kingdom of hell that Satan has established on
earth ? Satan surely doesn't want to see God's Grand Children coming
into the world and growing up to become messiah's themselves. That's
why he was so anxious to enter into Judas and murder Jesus before he
could marry and establish a true family.
CR> Just as in our day. They claim to believe in Christ, but they
CR> deny His Father and Creator, Jehovah God, with their false
CR> trinity Doctrine. Or, there are others who don't even want admit
CR> to the coming of Jesus.
No the real problem is that people don't want to admit they are of their
father the devil and CHANGE ! Purification is very difficult. But it is
the price that must be paid in order to have the right to the tree of
CR> Yes I can claim I have the truth, the whole truth and NOTHING
CR> BUT the truth.
Do you want me to re-post the message from your Jw friends who said you
a new member and still lacking in some areas of understanding ?
Date 07-17-91 11:19:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Meat is Crops
WC> But I do know where you are coming from. The Hindus do not
WC> eat meat. In fact they believe that cows are also a part of god.
WC> Until this century they had thousands starving to death while
WC> the cows ate the corps and no one was alowed to eat the cow. And
WC> there was certain- ly enough beef to have fed the population in
WC> the lean times. You desire of such a society is shared by
WC> millions of Hindus. You have only to study the Indian culture to
WC> know the conditions to which you would reduce society.
Most Excellent. Good reply.
Date 07-17-91 15:54:00
From Terry Blount
To Philip Brown
PB> No, I am saying that he does not have any blood in his
PB> body. All of it was given as an atonement for our sins. Jesus'
PB> physical body was changed into an incorruptible physical body
PB> which does not need blood in order to live.
Philip, are you sure Jesus had enough blood for atonement for all the
sins of everyone?
You speak as if quantity was important ?
As far as the change in his body, after the resurrection people did not
see his physical body. They were witnessing his spiritual body, just as
the spiritual body of Elijah and Moses was seen at the mount of
transfiguration. The spiritual body does not need physical blood. So
you are correct about the incorruptibility of his body.
Date 07-17-91 19:18:00
From Terry Blount
To Philip Brown
PB> We have a different understanding of what a 'spiritual' body
PB> is. If I understand you correctly, you believe that it is a
PB> spirit being. I on the other hand believe that it refers to a
PB> physical body with spiritual qualities.
^^^^^^^^ ( substantial )
PB> The natural body of man is corruptible because it has human
PB> limitations, but the spiritual body would be empowered by God
PB> and therefore be incorruptible-- although it is physical,
PB> nothing can destroy it. ^^^^^^^^
Change this word to substantial and we agree.
I think all God's children have both Spiritual and Physical bodies. The
ones who have developed their spiritual bodies through faith and
obedience to the commandments of God are different. That is why artist
portray Jesus and Saints with the halo. When they appear to living
humans, they appear substantially different from demons. Obviously no
one should confuse Jesus with a demon. However, most people who have
died and gone into spiritual world were not extremely holy nor extremely
evil. This is where most of the confusion comes from. When someone on a
lower spiritual level appears to a person (unless the person recognizes
them as their parent, grand parent, relative etc.) they don't know
whether or not to trust anything revealed at this meeting. However, we
must consider and wonder how people responded to those resurrected
saints in Jesus day. How will people respond to the holy myriads that
are suppose to return with Christ.
By the way, this strictly contradicts the Jw's teaching about dead
people being unconscious. However I doubt they will accept it.
JDE 1:14 And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these,
saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,
JDE 1:15 To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are
ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly
committed, and of all their hard [speeches] which ungodly sinners have
spoken against him.
Date 07-17-91 19:48:00
From Terry Blount
To You
Rev. Moon's message to You
What sets Jesus apart from all other religious leaders? First, he
said, he was the only begotten son of God, and therefore, that he
possessed the entire love of God. When you have you first child, he or
she is the center of a tremendous outflow of your love. If human beings
feel such ecstatic joy with their first child, what about God? Because
God sees His own image in his first son and through him can manifest His
image to the entire world, you know how critical that person is. What
should that son do? Does God need only a son? God knew ahead of time
that He needed a pair, which would include a daughter. We have to talk
about God's daughter, especially here in America! God will be more
accepted in this country when we talk about His only begotten daughter
as well.
A son living by himself would be like a person with one foot. Jesus
knew that God was looking forward to having His only begotten daughter,
so Jesus looked forward to restoring a woman in that position. This is
why a central theme in the New Testament is that of bride and bride-
groom. Christians today have to settle for a rather abstract view of
this marriage relationship, saying that men as well as women are in the
position of bride to Jesus, and not only that but that the church as
well. What has the church as an institution to do with Jesus' bride?
Without question there is a certain symbolic meaning here, but God's
ultimate desire is to give a physical bride to His son.
Jesus was the King of Kings; in that sense he was the greatest
institution so he should remain single the rest of his life, right? No,
he was human and needed a wife like all other men. Would he sit on his
throne and proclaim the single way of life as the most holy, dictating
it to his subjects? Such a teaching would be a crippled teaching.
Suppose Jesus had been blessed with a perfect bride. Do you think
that because he was a holy man, Jesus should have kept five feet away
from her all the time? Would he have kissed his bride only for the sake
of some sacrifice, or because he really wanted to show his love to her?
As a holy man would he have looked at his bride just from time to time
and then gone away, or would he have had fervent love in his heart to
pour out upon his bride? Would he have been a sinner if he had done
Jesus came to fulfill the will of God, and to do so he had to
restore his own bride. The entire Christian world is shaken at hearing
this revelation, and because of it Christians have called me a heretic.
Jesus can hear all this conversation going on here on earth. Do you
think he would smile at hearing me say he should have had his own bride,
or do you think he remained single because he thought that was the most
holy way of life? Who created men and women, and who was Jesus' parent?
God created men and women to become one, to marry and live as husband
and wife. That is the holiest relationship of all in God's creation.
Genesis says that God created Adam and Eve; God never said "It is good"
until after he created both Adam and Eve. Many religions have advocated
a life of celibacy. The Unification Church is saying that families, not
individuals, are the building blocks of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Jesus not only said that he was God's only begotten son, he also
denied the world. No matter how beautiful or wonderful the world seems,
it was nothing in the sight of God, so Jesus' ministry had to begin with
denial of the world. Jesus came as the only begotten son to restore
God's only daughter and make God's only begotten family, nation and
world. Jesus truly occupied the position of central saint because he was
the most direct manifestation of God.
Before God sent His champion Jesus Christ, He prepared the field
with the chosen nation of Israel. This was the foundation for the
Messiah's coming. The people of Israel could have perfected themselves
and their nation if they had united with the coming of the Lord. The
kingdom of God would have been a physical reality at that time.
The Messiah came to the nation of Israel, the universal alter, and
the people were supposed to unite with him completely and thus be
offered together on that altar. However, that unity was not there. If a
man or woman is willing to die for the Messiah then actual death may
not be necessary. This has been a tradition value in Christianity, but
we can see that compared to this standard modern Christianity has
deviated from Jesus' teaching. We can live again by being completely
willing to submit ourselves and die without making any demand. If a
person is willing to die then that person lives and can dwell in heaven.
This is what Jesus taught. When we gain our personal lives, however,
that's only the beginning; then we have to die for the rest of humanity.
And, we must make such a relationship with them that they are
willing to die for us, and on that foundation we can go to heaven.
Do you think that sinners rejoice because they had finally met the
man who could free them from sin? Jesus brought with him all the love
that was lost, but which response is more likely when the Messiah comes
-- that people will be happy and forget what they have done, or that
they have to overcome a great turmoil of feeling before they can feel
worthy of going to their savior? Can a person ignore what he or she has
done wrong and come to the savior, or should he or she feel so much
remorse over the gravity of sin in the past that he doesn't even know
how to properly conduct himself? It is more likely that when one
realizes the magnitude of one's sin one would tremble at the mere
thought of the awesome difference between oneself and the Messiah.
When the Messiah comes to liquidate sin, is the sinner going to
tell the Messiah what to do? Instead of telling Jesus what he should
do, our feeling should be that we cannot even speak at all. Upon seeing
him, the first thing you must experience is the shedding of so many
tears that you cannot even see around you. God cannot be pleased with
us if we live a self-centered way. I met Jesus personally, and I
received a revelation through which I learned that God's grief is great.
His heart is broken. Today God is working ceaselessly for the ultimate
salvation of all humanity
Jesus' intention was directed only at building the Kingdom of God
here on earth, but practically speaking, what is the Kingdom of God? the
Bible doesn't say clearly, but the Kingdom of God Jesus was trying to
build here on earth followed a simple teaching: As much as you love God
your Father, that much you must love your country, your society and your
own home. When that one tradition of love links every aspect of life,
the Kingdom of God will become a reality. When everyone worships one
God as their common Father then no barriers will remain -- no national
boundaries or walls of language or denominations. Every barrier can be
broken down.
If Jesus has just come to establish a new religion then he was not
the Messiah. In reality Jesus couldn't care less about religion; what
he cared about was a God-centered kingdom and that kingdom cannot be
built by religion. That kingdom will be built by the family. Jesus
came to build the first true family so that he could bring God down to a
real home where He could dwell as the sovereign, as the true Father.
There is no other way God's will could be fulfilled. There is no other
way to build the Kingdom of God here on earth.
But Jesus was not accepted by his nation. Instead of welcome, he
met rejection at every level. Jesus was denied the opportunity to take
a bride in the position of restored Eve, and to establish the first
God-centered heavenly family. Instead, he was nailed to the cross.
Thus, the mission of Jesus Christ was left incomplete on earth. And
this is why Jesus promised his second coming. Jesus Christ must come
again to consummate the mission of the Messiah.
Let me repeat: Jesus was the perfected Adam and his mission was the
restoration of humankind. The crucial step was to restore his bride,
Eve. Jesus was a man, one with God, but he was not God the Father. When
he returns to earth he will come as a man in the position of the third
These are revelations to me from God, and I want you to understand
fully the main points. God intended Adam and Eve to come together in
heavenly matrimony in the Garden of Eden. Since it was not realized at
that time, God intended Jesus to fulfill this marriage in his time. But
it was not realized by Jesus either, because no one had faith in him as
Messiah on earth. Jesus was the second Adam. It was God's will for him
to be blessed in heavenly matrimony with the second Eve, his restored
bride. God intended him to bring forth upon this earth his own sinless
children. Then Jesus and his bride would have become the True Parents
for humankind, and all humankind would have found life by grafting onto
them. In Revelation, at the end of the Bible, it shows us clearly that
the end of God's ideal is the perfect man and perfect woman; when they
rejoice, embracing in holy matrimony, this is inexchangeable for the
entire universe. Once God has achieved this high ideal as a standard,
then there will be more such individuals and families coming into
existence; this is what God has been working for. So this is the
highest ideal of God and the highest ideal of humanity. This is the
deepest desire of God and also the deepest desire of humanity. Only
around this one center can all people and God eternally be happy and
Jesus cautioned the people: "You are of your father the devil,"
because at the beginning point of human history we were born Satan's
children. By the restoration of True Parents we will be reborn as
children of out heavenly Father, God. This will mean full salvation as
His true children, not merely salvation as the adopted children of which
St. Paul writes ( Rom 8:23 ).
God's will was destined fulfillment in Jesus' time. That is why
he is coming again. In the book or Revelation, there is the prophecy of
the marriage of the Lamb. This marriage banquet will in fact take
place. True parents for all human kind will be realized in our time.
God will bring forth His true family upon the face of the earth. All
people will be empowered to bring sinless children into the world. This
Heaven on earth will begin. This will be the day of hope, the day of
the coming of the Lord at the second advent.
This is the day when God's original ideal will be realized for the
first time. This is the day when the dwelling of God is with men and
women. God will be full of joy. His own son as perfected third Adam
will initiate an entirely new history upon the earth. On that day, we
shall become living images of God. God will bring His kingdom ot earth.
This ultimate realization of the ideal has been the hope of God as
well as the hope for all humanity. I pledge to you from the bottom of
my heart that the realization of all this is at hand, in the fulness of
God's time.
Date 07-18-91 09:32:00
From Terry Blount
To Thomas Bentley
Subject Images (Definition)
TB> symbols are nothing but just that. But Idol are image of a
TB> god.used as an object of worship.
TB> Well I did some thinking. And I hope that you are not saying
TB> that you do not know what a Idol is. You may need to do some study
TB> on this subject.
Yes, I need to study many things. However your original message made no
distinction/exception or mention of symbols. It appears to me that you
should tell us about that distinction to help us avoid errors in our
Is the little statue of Jesus that Catholics kiss a symbol or an idol ?
What is your criterion for classification. The only people I know who
worship idols are non-religious people who chase after non-spiritual
Date 07-18-91 16:29:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Parents Of Jesue
MS> TB> Sorry, you are stuck till you change your attitude.
MS> That's right. I'm stuck in the arms of a loving Savior, who is
MS> also preparing
MS> a place for me in His Kingdom. And where will you spend your
MS> eternity, Terry?
MS> If you don't change course, it will be with your Lord of the
MS> Second Advent. But I doubt the actual location will be to your
MS> liking....
Seems you are getting upset ? Are you suggesting I am going to Hell
while you are being snuggled by the comforting arms of your savior ? You
sure have a soothing doctrine. No wonder you don't feel comfortable
when you read my messages. It is not so soothing when you realize you
must change. I know you want to go to the loving arms of your Savior
but what about your ties to your father the devil. Is he going to grant
you the passport to leave his dominion ? You first got to prove you
don't belong to the evil one, no matter how many visas you have that
permit you to enter your Savior's Kingdom.
Date 07-20-91 08:02:00
From Terry Blount
To Robert Bennett
Subject The Two Witnesses
RB> TB> It is so simple, and it makes sense that God's goal has
RB> always been
RB> TB> to become a Grand Father and see the earth populated with
RB> sinless TB> children.
RB> Do you have *any* idea how silly that sounds to Christians?
I suppose you haven't heard the really silly one about the virgin birth?
Or the other one about a 3 headed God.∙I think they label that silly
idea the 'Trinity'. Do you have *any* idea how silly that sounds to
people with common sense ?∙ < grin >
Date 07-20-91 19:25:00
From Terry Blount
To Pedro Vega
Subject Tract 2 (2/2): Blazing Tr
PV> It's sad to admit, but when the WT wants to carry out a
PV> membership drive, it just come up with a new prediction.
Too bad the Catholic Church hasn't learned from this. I just heard
that the number of Priest in America are down from over 30 thousand 20
years ago to less than 8 thousand today. Maybe you need to set a date ?
< grin >
Date 07-20-91 20:24:00
From Terry Blount
To Pedro Vega
Subject I didn't forget...
PV> PV> through seances. Interestingly enough, Rev. Moon claims that
PV> PV> seances prove his messianic mission. (cfr. "Divine
PV> Principle," PV> 599ff).
PV> Somebody else wrote to you on the sense of this paragraph.
PV> Suffice to say that I take all the persecution necessary as I
PV> defend the Catholic truth.
I should have known. You would have sense enough to look at the end of
the Divine Principle and see it has only 536 pages. No wonder they are
having trouble. They don't have the official version. < grin >
PV> John's mission was simple. To announce the arrival of the
PV> Messiah. Aftwerwards, he had to decrease as Jesus had to
PV> increase (cfr. John 4:30). He also said that his joy was
PV> complete.
I'm sorry I so frequently resort to simple logic, but pray tell why
would Jesus be through with John ... the one person in the position to
lead the people to have real/substantial faith in Jesus ?
The problem between Jesus and John was the same ugly Cain Able problem
raising it's head again. John was older and the position of Cain and
like Cain he could not humble himself to the person favored by God.
His pride and jealousy resulted in John failing his mission. Pure and
simple !
Date 07-21-91 16:33:00
From Terry Blount
To Earl Shaft
Subject Christianity
ES> There is no excuse for the involvement of the church in commerce
ES> and politics;
Not unless you just simply want to give up those areas of society for
Satan to rule. I'm sure he approves of good men doing noting.
Why do you think this country is better off being run by the immoral
crew we now have in Washington ?
Date 07-21-91 16:39:00
From Terry Blount
To Earl Shaft
Subject Christianity
ES> the moral standards of Western civilization; and thus has
ES> Christianity unwittingseemed to sponsor a society which staggers
ES> under the guilt of tolerating
ES> science without
ES> idealism, politics without principles, wealth without work,
ES> pleasure without
ES> restraint, knowledge without character, power without
ES> conscience, and industry
ES> without morality...
Sounds like you are running for office ? I would really vote for you.
Date 07-21-91 16:42:00
From Terry Blount
To Carla Rygula
Subject Faiths
CR> only ONE true faith. And we all know which this is, don't we?
CR> If not, let the record speak for itself.
Are these kind of words the ones that were use to convert you to your
faith ? I know I wouldn't be a member of any organized religion that
could not recognize the goodness in other religions. Did you know that
Jesus had the ability to see the goodness fallen man ? Any group that
claims association should inherit a little ability to see the goodness
in people who have dedicated their life to God. Don't you think ?
Date 07-22-91 07:48:00
From Terry Blount
To Pedro Vega
Subject I didn't forget...
PV> Two questions: Is the quote itself accurate? Can you get
PV> me a good "official" copy?
The word 'seance' does not exist at all in the DP. I just ran a scan for
that word and it is not used. Send me your address and I'll mail you
the book, and a diskette with it typed out in ascii text format as well.
The book has no index so you may find the files more helpful when
scanning for subjects etc.
Date 07-22-91 07:57:00
From Terry Blount
To Alan Mcmindes
AM> It is not just a "Jw's teaching" that the dead are
AM> unconscious. Its in the Bible, and has been quoted here before.
AM> How do you explain that the Bible
AM> says the dead are conscious of nothing at all. Eccl 9:5-6
Did you know that when someone quotes scripture to you that it is a good
idea to look it up and see if they have take it out of context, or as
Walter Coupes likes to say 'Extra-Biblical' usage.
Let's consider Ecc. Chapter 9..
ECC 9:3 This [is] an evil among all [things] that are done under the
sun, that [there is] one event unto all: yea, also the heart
of the sons of men is full of evil, and madness [is] in
their heart while they live, and after that [they go] to the
dead. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
How interesting that the same scripture you are relying on to support
your belief that the dead are conscious says that when a person dies,
the 'madness in their hearts remains after death. Don't you know that
uncious people don't have madness in their heart ? 'Madness' only
exists in a state of 'consciousness'. Your problem is that you don't
understand the Biblical concept of life and death.
Date 07-23-91 07:45:00
From Terry Blount
To Thomas Bentley
Subject Images (Definition)
TB> TB> What is your criterion for classification.
TB> The criterion is empolyed only in matters of judgment, an I am
TB> not one to judge you. You have to make up your mine, if it is a
TB> idol or not.
TB> that. They think that they are a religious people. And there are
TB> people that say that they are Christains that do worship idols
TB> in there worship. After this letter, I hope that you may think
TB> there are too.
You first say that you are not one to judge.... then you say thea there
are Christians that do worship idols.
How can you say you are not making a judgement. You are contradicting
Date 07-23-91 10:42:00
From Terry Blount
To Carla Rygula
Subject Faiths
CR> Well, lets take a look at the Bible account of Jesus day. I
CR> did'nt hear of Jesus telling the Scribes and Pharisees, that
^ didn't
CR> they were good in any. Jesus said, you can't slave for two
CR> masters, its either one or the other. Either your for God,
CR> or your for Satan. If your for God, then He must be worshiped
CR> with thuth. Not partial truth. So even if a particular faith is
CR> 99% in abiding by the Scriptures, it won't work, one has to be
CR> 100% for the truth. Take it or leave it.
So this logic leads you to believe that accusing and condemning folks
leads them to accept your faith ? I would like to challenge that
assumption by asking you to evaluate the results of a message like this
preached shortly after Jesus' death. The speech I'm am referring to was
delivered by St. Stephen. He did a great job of making folks feel
guilty, but their guilt did not lead to them repentance, it lead them
to commit another sin and murder him.
If you want to be successful, you have to evaluate your actions and see
if they are consistent with your goals. What is your goal ?
We all can find fault with each other's religion and take a holier than
thou posture, however it takes a saint to find that which is righteous,
godly, and holy in others then multiply those characteristics.
ROM 12:21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.
Date 07-23-91 11:10:00
From Terry Blount
To Glen Davis
Subject Life after death
GD> Thomas,
GD> I read a message from you recently mentioning your belief that
GD> there is no consciousness after death.
I think Jw's may be afraid of Ghost ? They seem a little worried that
they may exist < grin > so they try to deny that the spirit lives on.
Date 07-23-91 15:11:00
From Terry Blount
To Les Wilcox
Subject Parents Of JesJe
LW> >I know you want to go to the loving arms of your Savior
LW> >but what about your ties to your father the devil.
LW> >Is he going to grant you the passport to leave his dominion ?
LW> Terry
LW> Nope. Jesus has already granted a passport to all who believe.
LW> I,m sure you know John 3:16???
Yes, it says that God so loved the * WORLD *
How many people do you know that have crossed over this boundary to
sacrifice themselves and live for the sake of the world ?
The problem with our world is that there are two masters. Satan is
trying to claim ownership based on the fact that man united with him.
Can God reach man directly or does He have certain boundaries to cross
over ? No matter how almighty He is, He cannot work at random. Even
in dealing with man and Satan, God has to follow a certain covenant.
What is that covenant ? It is based on the principle of true love that
begins with Him. True love of God must be the common goal of all men,
for which they give up their selfish desires. Then unity will be
possible. In order for true love to come to be recognized we have to
decide who will be the master. If we want a unified world without
boundaries, there will an opposing element. All kinds of boundaries
came into being because people are self-centered, moving toward their
own goal instead of a unified goal. Suppose two people are friends. The
will be harmony, but as soon as one demonstrates some selfishness, they
are dived and go into different directions. Actually the battle between
God and Satan is like a tug of war with man in the center, each trying
to pull man towards his side. Each camp has a boundary which it tries
to pull man across.
Freedom is fashionable word today, but when you dig down to the bottom
of it, people are talking about selfishness. True freedom comes with
responsibility attached. True freedom can only come with true love, but
how do we find true love ? True love is found in 'true sacrifice'.
'True' means unconditional giving of your most precious thing - your
life - for the sake of others. The fundamental teaching of a true
religion is the method by which true sacrifice is taught and practiced.
Even if you cannot feel this, at least in your brain you can recognize
that it is true.
If you say to God that you will give yourself totally for Him and His
will, He will do the same for you. However, if you say to Satan that you
will sacrifice for him, then he will just sit back and enjoy himself.
Satan will never sacrifice for you. This is the difference between God
and Satan.
Date 07-23-91 23:15:00
From Terry Blount
To Brian Henderson
Subject Transitionals
BH> FLOOD.ZIP which goes into some detail on why the flood of the
BH> Bible COULD NOT have happened.
Permeative man's diet relied heavily on fish, which came from the ocean,
rivers and other low lying areas. The area I grew up in is about 300
feet above current sea level and it is rich with fossilized whale bones
and shark teeth from the age when it was under water. Actually in the
present day, Louisiana is losing large quantities of land daily due to
global warming resulting in a rise in the sea level. From our viewpoint
we are being flooded. Likewise permeative man faced a flood when
everyone that lived near the ocean experienced a rise in the sea level.
What if Noah lived on an island ? They could easily have ran out of
high spots to climb to. From their viewpoint the whole world was
I don't know any reputable scientist that would be foolish enough to say
that at some point in the history of the earth there was not massive
flooding. Well not unless they are trying to get on Geraldo's show.
Date 07-24-91 12:03:00
From Terry Blount
To Jim Taylor
JT> What a great beauty there is, in these messages you have posted!
JT> While I will not personally be convinced of the theological
JT> position, being an Eastern
JT> Orthodox Christian, I can see and appreciate the gentle spirit,
JT> the emotional depth, and
JT> the conceptual consistency of this theology.
Thanks. It's nice to be appreciated. I have to admit when I discovered
the Divine Principle 15 years ago I had doubts because it was quite a
change from the Southern Baptist theology that was familiar from my
upbringing. The reason the theology shakes up most Christians is
because it makes sense that God should be a grand father. If that has
been God's goal in history then there is no way that Almighty God could
accomplish it on his own. Becoming a grand father is not something
anyone can do by them self. This idea that God has some limitations
really freaks out some folks. But nevertheless love has boundaries
within which it must function. If God's goal is to become a grand
father, then Jesus death was a terrible mistake. Also that means the
second coming of christ must be a substantial person born in the flesh
as the third Adam. It is easier to be a follow a of a spiritual leader
who is not talking to you every Sunday, confronting your sin and
challenging you to become a messiah yourself.
I strongly believe the scripture that says a nation without a vision
will perish. If you begin to understand the Divine Principle, the
vision that it projects is unparalleled in human history. Jesus was
severely handicapped by the quality of his followers, so he was limited.
Just look at the situation that arose from a few people asking Jesus'
followers the question: 'If Jesus is the messiah, where is Elijah ?'.
You can see when his followers returned to Jesus, they asked him: 'Why
do they want to know where is Elijah ? ' You can see that they were
not at all familiar with the last chapter in the Old Testament that says
that before Christ comes Elijah must return. How could Jesus hope to
build a kingdom without people like John the Baptist and St. Paul
helping him ? Had Jesus had the support of a few of these kinds of
people prior to Palm Sunday, there would have been not crucifixion.
Well, I'm inspired and rumbling so I better stop here before I get
everyone confused.
Date 07-24-91 12:26:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Messiah
WC> TB>Therefore, in order to indemnify the entire history since
WC> Abraham TB>in the Period of Preparation for the Messiah, the
WC> First Israel had TB>to suffer external tribulations under the
WC> rule of Persia, Greece, TB>Egypt, Syria, and Rome.
WC> Actually, Terry, the Bible does not teach this. Israel did
Maybe not clearly enough for your to recognize. Don't forget when you
read my messages they are EXTRA-BIBLICAL revelations that you don't yet
naturally understand. This is precisely the reason most people have
such great difficulty understanding the Divine Principle. They have
never experience the suffering that in necessary to comprehend and
understand the suffering heart of God. Why do you think the Japanese
occupied and oppressed the Koreans for the 40 year indemnity period from
1905 to 1945. When you read what Billy Graham said about Korean
Christianity you will know that he has recognized the fertile soil God
has prepared for the advancement of His kingdom of heaven on earth.
Don't forget that America is in the same position to this tiny nation as
Rome was to the tiny nation of Israel to which the messiah once came.
WC> not HAVE to suffer. They suffered because of their own unbelief
WC> and diso- bedience. Check out Chapter 26 of Leviticus. God told
WC> Israel what would happen to them if they were obedient and what
WC> would happen if they were disobedient. The choice was entirely
WC> in the hands of Israel. They chose their path. The promises of
WC> Chapter 26 have been fulfilled.
There is also an element of truth in your understanding. This is
because there are 3 types of indemnity. Lesser, equal, and Greater.
If people fulfill the first condition that God requires, then they get
by with the lesser indemnity condition, however if they fail as did
Abraham when asked to sacrifice the heifer, ram, goat, pigeon and dove,
the greater condition kicks in and then suddenly they find the condition
is as difficult as Abraham was faced with when God told him that NOW he
would have to sacrifice his son.
Date 07-24-91 12:42:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Messiah
WC> TB>Christians in that period had to indemnify the entire course
WC> of TB>history since Jesus' time by overcoming severe internal
WC> trials in TB>their religious lives.
WC> Christians CANNOT indemnify anything to earn salvation.
WC> Jesus did it all at Calvary. Without the shedding of blood there
WC> is no remission of sins. That's what Scripture says.
Well, Walter, all I can conclude is that you do not comprehend the
meaning of a covenant and the necessity of both parties to fulfill their
portion of responsibility. Salvation is not up to God alone.
Let me post the scripture that 'arm chair christians' dislike most:
MAT 5:20 For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall
exceed [the righteousness] of the scribes and Pharisees, ye
shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.
MAT 5:20 For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall
exceed [the righteousness] of the scribes and Pharisees, ye
shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Date 07-24-91 12:46:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Messiah
WC> TB>Among the Gentiles, God had Gautama Buddha of India (565 -
WC> 485 TB>B.C.)...and he had Socrates (470 - 399 B.C.). In the
WC> Orient, God TB>had Confucius (552 - 479 B.C.) set up a standard
WC> of human ethics TB>and morality through Confucianism.
WC> Terry, none of these men knew God. They were following their
WC> father the devil.
I know Walter, your church is the only thing God has touched on this
earth. Keep trying to perfect your denomination and you will miss the
glory of recognizing God's providence to save all mankind.
You are going to be surprised one day when you find out that God could
really care less about Religion. It is only a tool that became
necessary when man fell. The tool of religion can be used by God
however He wills. Yes, even through non-Christian spiritual ideologies.
Date 07-24-91 12:52:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Messiah
WC> TB>Jesus, coming on the foundation of this preparation, intended
WC> to TB>unify all of the regions and various religions and
WC> cultures into TB>one sphere of God-centered culture by absorbing
WC> Judaism, Helle- TB>nism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and all the
WC> religions and cultures TB>that God had prepared.
WC> This means that God lied to us. This is directly
WC> contradictory to the Bible.
No Walter, you have only overlooked the possibility that God may not be
a little-bitty God with a limited humanistic vision.
Date 07-24-91 12:55:00
From Terry Blount
To Carla Rygula
Subject Peace and Security!
CR> one another? NO! And no manmade government will ever provide
CR> this peace and security. But
CR> yet, Jehovah our God, WILL provide exactly this, for mankind.
How will He do this ? Could it be through men like He does when He
publishes the Watchtower ?
Is God going to chose men and set up his government through a religious
movement ?
Don't be shy -- if you believe it to be yours let us know.
Date 07-24-91 13:00:00
From Terry Blount
To Carla Rygula
Subject Peace and Security!
CR> This means there will be no more greedy politicians and greedy
CR> business leaders to oppress the people. Nor will people be
CR> burdened with high taxes to pay for military weapons. Never
CR> again will anyone be without good food and comfotable housing,
CR> because he cannot afford them. Unemployment, inflation, and high
CR> prices will be no more. The troubles that cause suffering to
CR> families will no longer
CR> exist. All will have pleasant work to do, and they will be able
CR> to see and enjoy the rsults of their labors.
Sounds like you are running for political office ? < grin > I think I
have heard these nobel words in several campaign speeches. We all want
peace on earth and everyone ( except Jw's who don't celebrate Christmas)
send each other cards every year that say that.
How can this be done ? The root of sin is selfishness. Until
selfishness is eliminated and man's original nature restored, this ideal
world will not appear. Now ask yourself can God snap His fingers and
bring man across the boundary line between selfishness and unselfishness
?? Surely he would have done that a long time ago if it were so simple.
The only way we can cross such a strict boundary is to be willing to
become a total sacrifice for the sake of True Love. Jesus taught us how
to do that on an individual level, but our world consists of other
levels like families, societies, and nations. How are we to learn
the absolute standard of love on the family level without a model to
follow ? The purpose of the coming of the Messiah is to establish this
model family, which is the building block for the kingdom of heaven, and
then to adopt people into that family who are willing to become totally
devoted to sacrificing themselves for the sake of true love.
Date 07-24-91 13:14:00
From Terry Blount
To Carla Rygula
Subject Peace and Security!
CR> Another miracle will add to the paradise conditions. Animals
CR> such as lions,
CR> tigarr, leopards and bears which now can be dangerous, will be
CR> at peace.
Lions love lamb chops, Lions will always love lamb chops. Animals
didn't fall, ( I have never seen a dog praying or a cow repenting ) why
should they change when man is restored ?
I think you are getting carried away with the symbology of poetic
Date 07-24-91 13:19:00
From Terry Blount
To Carla Rygula
Subject Peace and Security!
CR> kingdom rule. The old will even grow young again! Yes, `a mans
CR> flesh will become fresher than his
CR> youth.' Job 33:25 What a thrill it will be to wake up each
CR> morning and realize that you are in better health then you were
CR> the day before!
And continue to procreate so many children that the earth could never
support such a population. You must never have had any rabbits or you
would know such an idea of eternal youthful people would never work.
I think I'll send you a pair of rabbits and see how long your ideology
is holding up about a year later < grin >
Date 07-24-91 13:23:00
From Terry Blount
To Carla Rygula
Subject Peace and security!
CR> Surely no one living in youthful perfect health, on a pardise
CR> earth will ever want to die!
Nothing scary about dieing when you know you are going to a good place.
The reason people are afraid of dieing now is because they sense the
spiritual world needs improvement. But that can only come about through
changes on earth.
MAT 16:19 And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven:
and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in
heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be
loosed in heaven.
MAT 18:18 Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth
shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on
earth shall be loosed in heaven.
Date 07-25-91 09:03:00
From Terry Blount
To Thomas Bentley
TB> So the evidence indicates that
TB> the Son of God was known as Michael before he came to earth and
TB> in known also by that name since his return to heaven where he
TB> resides as the glorifed spitit Son of God.
I simply don't believe that Jesus pre-existed his birth. Sure the
concept of a perfect man, Christ, the Messiah, and other IDEALS pre-
existed the person who would eventually come to fulfill this position.
I look at it like this. Suppose you like basketball but you aren't very
good at it, and you have a dream that someday you will have a son who is
a great player. You may later have several sons and one of them, say
the 4 th, turns out to that great player and fulfill the position or
concept of that ideal son you dreamed of having. He could say that he
pre-existed his birth, and even that before his older brothers existed
he existed. In other words before Abraham was I am.
If you take note of a system that God consistently uses throughout the
Bible, you will see He always finds a replacement when a person cannot
fulfill his mission. When Moses struck the rock of Horeb in Rephidim
twice, he lost his position and Joshua replaced him to lead the people
into the promise land. When Judas betrayed Christ Matthias was chosen
to replace him as one of the 12 apostles. When Lucifer seduced Eve
and left his proper dwelling in attempt to take Adam's rightful position
as husband to eve. He lost his position as archangel. Michael was
chosen to replace him because the angelic world was divided between
those who remained to serve God and those who went with Lucifer. I
think the scripture says that Lucifer took 1/3 of the Angelic world with
him when he fell. Someone had to be chosen from among the unfallen
angels to take his position. This was Michael. In Jude you can read
about the actions Lucifer's crew have been up to. It seems logical that
God will use His crew headed up by Michael when he 'binds' these angels
as promised.
Date 07-25-91 09:28:00
From Terry Blount
To Les Wilcox
Subject n
LW> Carla
LW> Well, I did warn you at first not to let any of the elders of
LW> your church know that you were talking on here. I guess that
LW> they have asked you to give it up, in fear that you would learn
LW> the truth.
You're cracking me up. You don't really think that Carla has been
instructed to stop witnessing to us do you ? I never... I repeat NEVE
heard of a Jw that was not pushed out to teach their doctrine. A mean,
that is what a Jw is... If someone higher up in their organization
thought for a second that they had everyone duked and was worried that
they may find out the 'real truth' ( that we know < grin > ) these folks
would be encouraged to stay at home and avoid contact with people who do
know 'the truth'. Maybe you are hoping they will start staying at
home ? Don't count one it though.
Date 07-25-91 09:37:00
From Terry Blount
To Les Wilcox
Subject Peace and Security!
LW> This is totally unfair of you and is a cheap way for you to back
LW> out of discussi I will miss you, and I hope you change your mind
LW> and return to fair discussionsof Gods word.
Although I see your point and do agree to a certain extent, you could
just can this message and open insÿ4ZΣinspen Æ.